As the days past and it got closer to the day I was supposed to meet with Austin I thought long and hard.

I won't lie I do have feelings for him and I'd like to have a relationship with him. It's just I can't trust that I'd give him my everything.

My last boyfriend Broke up with me because I was "cold", not able to communicate, and just shouldn't be in a relationship if I couldn't love myself. And I won't lie I don't love myself. I don't think I'm pretty or beautiful.

Tiana, Taylor and I are going out to the spa today. Just to get away. It's just kind of tense in the house. No ones fighting or anything we all just need a break from each other.

First we hit the steam room, then hot rocks and now we are in the mud bath. Man is it relaxing.

"So Brooke what's the plan" Tiana asked.

"Well I'm still thinking abut I'm leaning more towards just being friends" I said.

"Really we were hoped that you'd pick him" Taylor said.

"Why" I asked.

"Well he just seems so in love with you" Taylor said.

"Yea Zach said he'd never seem Austin like this before" Tiana said.

"Really" I said very shocked.

"Mhm" they said.

That really got me thinking. I do want something with him but I'm afraid of him hurting me. Or even breaking up with me because of the same reasons my last boyfriend did.

Austin kind of just seems to perfect to be real. He has an amazing career, great personality, good looking, and just perfect. I really don't side serve anything like him.


When we'd got home I went upstairs to me room. I was kind of tired so I laid down. I was begging to drift off to sleep when I heard a knock at the door. I'd gotten up to open the door and saw it was Austin with flowers.

"Can I come in" he asked.

I nodded and opened the door wider for him to come in.

"So Brooke I was hoping your go in a date with me tomorrow night" he smiled handing me flowers.

I thought for a while then nodded yes with a huge smile.

"Thank you Brooke I promise you won't forget this date" he smiled kissing my cheek.

"I'm sure I won't" I said.

After Austin left I laid back down and went to sleep.

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