Part 3: Lucas

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Hi I'm Lucas Leon Davis
Yes I'm aware that I'm still young but I know my feelings. I'm 14 and I play soccer. I have six brothers and two sisters... big family I know. People always tell me that the reason I feel like a boy is because I have so many brothers but wanting a penis and flat chest doesn't come from having a lot of brothers. I have a wonderful supportive boyfriend named Cole who is also trans. For any of you that are confused that means we are in a gay relationship.* Anyway on to my story... From the time I was born my parents were so happy to have me and my twin sister kim they finally had girls after their three older boys. So you can only imagine what happened when I was two and told my dad and mum that I was a boy...I was a pretty progressive two year old. At this point I lived in Sydney, Australia where it wasn't very common to have a child that was questioning their gender. Now my dad was a drunk at the time and he couldn't go a day without a drink but being as young as I was I didn't know that he was drunk. So he was really not happy...abuse was very common from then on out. That ended when I was five and started to live with my mum in Manchester, England. Here I lived with my older brothers and my twin sister. I dropped the topic until age eight I started to feel very different from the other kids I was attracted to girls and I was always mad when I had to use the girls room. I brought it up too my mum and she told me "God doesn't make mistakes" I then replied "your wrong he made a mistake when he made me" as you can probably imagine my mum wasn't happy when I said that. Later that year my mum started getting rid of all my boy clothes and she started buying me only dresses. I think she forgot that I had older brothers. I started taking their clothes to school and changing there. This worked up until my teacher heard one of my friends call me Louis. The teacher then emailed my mum and I got in huge trouble. The only thing I asked for that year was a haircut but my mum said "no you not a boy your a girl" once I turned eleven my mum started to let boy pronouns slip and locked me in her room for like three hours... She told me that I can be who I wanna be and she will support me. That worked until I turned twelve and she met my step dad I then got a new older sister who started to put make up on me...I haven't heard a male pronoun used towards me since. Not even a year later my dad got remarried and I got two new little brothers. Noah and Tyler. I also started middle school this year also known as my own personal hell. I became extremely depressed, I would cut every night and cry myself to sleep. I attempted to kill myself twenty times all a huge fail. At school I had one friend this friend called me by my correct name and pronouns. Not even a week later I never saw them again because they moved away. I hated school and home. Thirteen was the worst year I came out to my mum and bi and she moved me in with my dad in Colorado. A Little while after my dad got a new job so we went back and forth from Australia and Colorado. I also met my ex girlfriend Maddie who supported me through everything but I was a dumb shit and left her for someone else. The year started going okay after I met her I cut my hair and got my lip pierced. Two days after I broke up with Maddie I met Cole we stayed together four months and eight days. Until he left me for Maddie, after a few months me and Cole got back together. We then went through two months of not talking at all because he was grounded. I go by my name now "Lucas " at school and on social media. I got in contact with Joyce and that's how your hearing my story. You can text me on my kik Luke_Davis32 and I'll be more then happy to help you.** Bye!!! Lucas

Check out ThatAwkwardEmoKid for more pleaseeeeee and thanx!

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* = UPDATE: Since first publishing this story, Cole and Lucas (Luke)have broken up </3

** = Lucas has since deleted Kik.

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