Chapter 13: A Tapestry

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The days passed slowly. Rhonwen threw herself into the work that seemed to appear around every corner. With spring now underway, the dwarven women all helped to tidy up the city a wee bit. And there was a lot that needed to be done. Rhonwen discovered that with many of the jobs it required all of her attention, leaving no room to think which she liked. Not that she didn't want to think, but her thoughts often turned towards the three dwarves travling in the wild...

"Rhonwen," a voice broke into her thoughts. Rhonwen started, nearly spilling the bucket of soapy water that stood next to her foot. She looked up at Dís who stood in front of her. Another dwarf nearby looked at Rhonwen disapprovingly.

"I'm sorry," Rhonwen apologized, staring again at the stone floor in front of her. "I know I've promised to pay more attention to my work and again I've failed you. I'm sorry," she said again, bitterly. Bitterly because it was the tenth time now that she had been caught not doing her work, but instead staring in front of her.

"Luned," Dís called over her shoulder. "You may go now and clean your apartments." The dwarf who had scowled at Rhonwen left. Then Dís knelt in front of Rhonwen and laid a hand on her shoulder. "It's alright," she said comfortingly. "You're not the only one who thinks of them." She smiled and then got up and walked away.

Rhonwen stared at the floor thinking for a few moments. Then she blinked and started scrubbing the cold stone floor that stretched from end of the long hallway to the other.

When she finished, she placed the wooden bucket and brush she had used for scrubbing back on the shelf in one of the small rooms where such utensils were kept. She walked back up from the room and saw Dís standing there, an enormous pile of clothing in her hands. Rhonwen looked at her in surprise. "Here," said Dís, placing the whole stack in Rhonwen's hands. "I thought that maybe you would like mending better than the other work we've been doing." Then she added, "It's all of my children's clothing that I've never been able to find the time to mend. Would you mind taking care of it?"

Rhonwen nodded and then carefully made her way to her room. Once there, she dropped the whole pile onto the floor. Then she got out her box and started on the pile.

Several hours later, Rhonwen looked up from her mending. A good part of the pile had already been done, but there was still a lot more to go. The sky had darkened considerably since she had last looked up. She laid aside the tunic she was working on and put away her needle and thread. Then she picked up the small pile of mended clothes and left her room in search of Dís.

Rhonwen found her on her way to the Feasting Hall. Dís looked in surprise at the pile Rhonwen carried. "What's that?" she asked.

"It's the clothes that I've finished mending."

"You've gotten that far?" Dís asked in amazement. 

"Aye. They didn't have very many rents or tears in them."

"Alright, give them to me. I'll take care of them," Dís said with a smile.

Rhonwen nodded and handed the stack to her before continuing on her way down the hall.

That evening when most of the other dwarves made their way to the Singing Hall, Rhonwen left for her room. It was cold and dark so she lit one of the lanterns in there. The room brightened somewhat, but freakish shadows danced with the flame along the walls and corners. Rhonwen lit the small fireplace opposite her bed. The light flickered along the walls. Satisfied, Rhonwen sat near the light and picked up the mending.

Sometime later she looked up and blinked. The light had died down considerably and the small threads were getting harder to see. Rhonwen put some more wood on the fire and the light flared up again. She heard a knocking on the door and opened it to see who it was. Dís was there. Rhonwen looked puzzled. "What is it?" she asked. 

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