She Left Us

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I turned around and dad.😳 Why would my dad be here he lives across town with his girlfriend 😒.

Chres:Dad what are you doing here?

Dad:Um son I need to talk to you...just sit down

I wasn't sure what was going on. I sat down on the chair in the kitchen, wondering what my dad was gonna tell me.

Dad: Um your mom came to see me a little while ago and she told me that.....she was leaving you and I.

I didn't believe him I was just on the phone with her, why would she leave? I never did anything to make her leave! But where could she have gone?

Chres:Why would she just get up and leave like that?

Dad:I don't know but I just wanted to let you know that mom left-looks down-

Chres:-getting teary eyed and runs upstairs-


I did answer him...I couldn't think. My mom left my dad and I...for what? To get away? Why wouldn't she wanna be here to take CARE OF HER OWN SON! Dad walked into my room but I really didn't wanna talk to or see anybody right now.

Dad:Ill stay here with you to take care of you. And I called the police they'll be here soon to ask questions so that we can try to find her. (A/N Chres and YN are 16 in this story) I said nothing. I just cried into my pillow, I've never cried so much ever.

Dad:Hey, I'm sad too. I don't know why she'd just leave but where could she have gone? Idk!

Chres:-sniff- dad can I just be alone for a minute -sniff- please

Dad:yeah sure -goes downstairs-

I'm not even sad anymore I'm ANGERY 😡. She left us for her own selfish reason probably to be with some guy😒. I just don't understand why she'd leave her own son. And she left all of her stuff.😔😒 For about a week I didn't talk to anybody...not even YN and she's my best friend😔 but I'm just heartbroken💔. I didn't go to school or go out at all. Just because she left us😭

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