Im Gonna Help

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After everything Chresanto told me about his mom going missing , I thought maybe we can try to find her. I've never seen Chres cry before, he only cries when he's extremely hurt. I don't like seeing him hurt , sad , or angry.
"Chres I'm gonna help you." I told him as he was now crying in my lap. "Help me what?" He said as he looked up from my lap. "I'm gonna help you find your mom." He looked at me confused like I was crazy. Chres told me she supposedly "left" him, but I don't believe that at all. Why would she just up and leave? Mrs August isn't like that , she was the sweetest lady I knew. She cared about Chresanto and I know she wouldn't just leave.
"YN she doesn't want to be 'found' me at least she doesn't love me or my dad...."
"Chres that's none know honestly I think there's something your dad isn't telling you about your mom leaving"
"You think my dad could be lying?"
"Well no I just think he isn't telling you everything"
"YN I wanna find my mom."
"I want to too but we have to put everything together....when was the last time you talked to her" I said as I lifted his head from my lap
"Well right when I came back from school the day my dad told me she left us"
"Well did she sound sad , mad, upset?"
"She sounds scared and she was whispering..."
"Hand me your phone" I said holding my hand out. He handed it to me and I went through his contacts and found his mom's number and called it. It rang 4 times then someone picked wasn't his mom. I said hello and all I could hear was the breath of a man. He breathed and breathed he sounded out of breath. I hung up after that and I looked at Chres
"Well did she answer?"
"No...but somebody else did."
Guys I am so sorry I didn't write any chapters:(
I looked at thus story and realized I have almost 300 reads:-) TY❤️

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