Love me

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-1 week later-

The Police are still looking for Chres's mom. She's been missing for a long time and Chres has been sad lately. His dad told me he won't eat or even sleep. He loves his mom. I just hope she's gonna be found alive she's was like an other mom to me I'm just as hurt. Wait He's calling me right now

Yn:-picks up- hey

Chres:Hey can you come over like now it's important

Yn:Okay -hangs up-

I walked to his house and saw a police car out front. I hope this is good news. I walked in and saw two police men on the couch with Chres.

Chres:Yn sit down.

I say down next to Chres and looked at the police men.

PM (police man): Well we've found some more clues. While we were investigating earlier today we found a purse with her drivers license in it , we found it in a trash can a few blocks over. So we believe that this might have been someone trying to hide evidence. Do you know anybody that lives in the neighborhood that would try to hurt or even kill your mother for any reason

Chres: -looks at you- no not at all. My mother was nice to everybody

YN: yeah she was so polite and sweet i wouldn't and can't believe somebody would ever try to hurt her.

Pm:Well we're gonna continue to investigate through the neighborhood. -they both stand up- have a nice day -they both walk out-

Chres : YN would somebody really try to hurt my mom -tears up- or kill her

YN:Chres we both know nobody would -puts your hand on his cheek- it's okay we'll find her...I promise


My chapters are short because I don't have a lot of time to write them I'm a busy person so I'm trying~Imani

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