At the Park Again

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Chresanto's POV
While driving back my house I drove up on the park. I parked and got out the car.
I got out of the car and walked to the swings . I sat on one of them thinking about my mom and YN. I started to cry a little , my mom could be dead and YN's dreams are scaring her to the point where she won't eat or sleep as she should. I started to walk back to the car when I took a step the ground caved in from under me. I fell in and something was trying to pull me from underground. I struggled to pull my leg from the thing that was pulling me. I eventually got away from it as soon as my foot was released I heard a screeching sound , which made me cover my ears.


I drove home to find my door wide open. I walked upstairs and found my dad no where to be found . I ran downstairs and the knife drawer was open. I panicked , I ran around the house screaming "Dad!" I took my phone out of my pocket and called YN it went straight to voicemail. I panicked again YN always answers her phone. I sat down and took a deep breath. I need to think positive.


It was dark. My eyes were filled with tears , my heart it beating rapidly and my throat hurts. I can barely feel my hands and feet they were tied together . I was laying in bed and the next thing I knew it was dark and I was in a car. I sobbed , I don't know where I'm at or who took me. The car came to a stop and I felt the door open. I strong hand grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the car. I felt the person cut off the rope on my feet and I was forced to walk until the person pushed me on the floor. I was on my knees

"Stay and don't move" the voice said. It was a very familiar voice, but I still couldn't make out who it was. The persons foot steps grew faint as they walked away. All I could do at this point was cry

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