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Chresanto's POV
YN and I looked all over town. We asked police officers , people in the neighborhood , and even little kids.....nobody had see my mom anywhere. Until we asked my friend Jacob he said he saw her walking in the park a few days ago. He told me that she was sitting on the grass. My mom and I used to do that all the time. When ever I was upset or she was upset we'd lay on the grass in the park at night and look at the stars. I used to be able talking to my mom about any and everything she was always there. We told Jacob to walk with us to the park and we looked around.
"I saw her walking and she was looking around , I was on the bench talking to Rayan and I turned my head for a second and she was gone..." Jacob said. They way he said gone mad me worry.....maybe she was kidnapped! I looked at YN in fear she looked at me the same way....she was thinking the same.
"YN we have to go to the police station" I said. She then nodded and we went. I filed a missing person report and right away the police started to look at over. They told me to call my dad to come down for questions. My dad said no for some reason but later he came and he looked scared....
Sorry these chapters are short. I'm lazy asf😩

There's Something There ~ (A Mindless Behavior Horror/Love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora