Chapter 36

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Another on time update... yay for me :D Urgh... I keep reading through these chapters that I've written and I'm REALLY not happy with some of them. I must've been in a bad mood when I was writing them, aha. But still... hopefully this turned out better than the last!


"Vote for me!" Alyssa called, as she strutted into homeroom, a basket of freshly baked (by Luigi this time) cupcakes on her arm. She thrust one on the desk of the nearest person, before throwing a couple in the direction of two jocks at the back of the class.

"And a cupcake for you," she said, as she walked past Mr Hammond’s desk and dropped one on his pile of paperwork, winking discreetly as she did so.

"Thanks," he grinned back, picking up the cake and inspecting it. "Nice job, by the way."

"I know, right? Luigi’s a pro at this kind of thing," she said, before turning around to face the rest of her peers inside the classroom. "And I forgot to tell you guys, but guess what? Mr Hammond’s on my campaign, so make sure you all vote for me!"

There was a buzz of excited chatter as many of the girls sprung to life, stealing glances at their teacher. Alyssa smiled inwardly. The idea of getting him on their campaign team? Pure genius. Now she’d won the votes of practically all the girls in the school. And once she won over the boys – which, she thought to herself, would be easy – Courtney wouldn’t stand a chance.

"You’ve roped Mr Hammond into your pathetic little team?" came a voice from the door. Courtney was standing there, a look of disgust upon her face, but jealousy was evident in her voice.

"Yeah, actually," said Alyssa, turning around to face her opponent and placing her hands on her hips, smirking. "Aw, jealous you didn’t think of that first?"

Courtney scoffed, shooting a smug look at Carter, who had appeared at her side. "Right. Maybe we don’t need the help of a teacher, because our campaign’s going so well already."

Alyssa rolled her eyes. "Yeah. Right. That sounds likely."

"Bring it, bitch," said Courtney, stepping forwards until her face was only inches away from Alyssa’s. "You may be confident, but when it comes to the election, you’re going to be crying on the floor."

Alyssa smirked. "I highly doubt that. Who’s going to vote for you? Anyone?" She looked around the classroom, waiting for a response. Everyone was silent, their eyes transfixed on the two of them.

Suddenly, one of the jocks from the back row cheered and waved his hand in the air, winking at Courtney. She smiled smugly. "There you go, then."

"Wow, one vote?" Alyssa said, unable to mask the smugness in her expression and voice. "That’s really going to win the election, isn’t it?"

Courtney narrowed her eyes, glaring at Alyssa with a look that could kill. "You think you’re so big and clever, don’t you? You think that everyone loves you, but you know what? No one does. Everyone hates you. You hear that? They all know you’re just some slut."

"Coming from someone who stole my boyfriend!" Alyssa retorted, launching herself at Courtney and shoving her backwards with all her force. Anger boiled inside her. How dare Courtney? How dare she insult her like that? Especially after all she had caused.

"Whoa, whoa... girls, break it up!" Mr Hammond was now standing between them, his hands held up to separate the two girls.

Alyssa stayed silent, breathing heavily through anger, watching as Courtney steadied herself again.

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