...and the rain laughed

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chapter one


No one really excepts it; no one sees it coming. It's always raining when it happens even if it's the sunniest day to have ever occurred in the entirety of history. The rain shoots down from the sky and becomes your miserable veil. You can cry and scream and it hides all the pain you don't want anyone to see and they don't... Because it's raining, a heavy storm clouding the blue sky. Hot silver tears along with your own. No one other than you can feel it, see it or hear it, but I promise you, it's fucking raining!

The world around me continued to cry. Its endless gush of anger and frustration masked my emotions well. So well, one could hardly tell... How much it hurt, how badly I wanted to scream out and I knew no one would hear since the sky would scream with me. In some sense it was pathetic, but at least I wasn't completely alone, right?

You wonder if you spent enough time with the person.

At times like these, you haven't the slightest idea what to say or do. It's black and grey, literally. Black veils and thick black suits in sweltering hot mid-July. A priest drowning in his own biblical quotes and family members with scorn faces. Most of these people hated her and she wasn't even religious. She'd have laughed at the fools who all looked so serious and gloomy on such a wondrous sunny day on her favourite month.

My grandma was such a dazzling woman.

She said she wanted to be cremated and she wanted her ashes thrown into the ocean, oh, how she had loved the ocean. But here she was being buried and shoved six foot underground where her poor soul will probably weep for an eternity. I hated my family for doing this to her. It's as though they were purposely torturing her because she had left her entire fortune to yours truly. When I reach 18, I'd - as weird as this sounds- dig her up and make sure she was properly cremated and I would personally take her to her favourite beach and there she'd be...


I was barely listening. The make-believe storm was quite comforting and I wanted to shout and scream in rage along with it. Albeit, my voice strained and in pain, I wasn't breathing correctly and I was so close to simply-


I was the first to leave, I didn't throw any ashes. I didn't watch as they threw her into the ground. I left before all of that. My grandmother, the woman who raised me, wasn't in a coffin. No, her soul was somewhere... Somewhere magical and unimaginable... She'd be happy and, oh, she'd be laughing.

After my parent's had died, she took me in and looked after me in their stead. Practically raised me. Took me to school and violin classes. She taught me how to ride a bike, read a book and even she allowed me to have as many pets as I wanted. She was my everything but mortality is a curse we all share and death took her away before she even had the chance to see me fully grow up. That's what she wanted, you see, she wanted to see me grow up and become a really 'funky and hip' kid, as she said.

I don't remember what happened during the day. I kept walking and walking in circles. I barely paid attention to the present, to now. I was caught up in some daydream about the beautiful yet distant past that we all so foolishly took for granted. She was smiling, comforting me, singing or laughing. I was spinning, spinning with her as her hands clasped onto mine. Intertwined. She laughed as though this world was a good place, as though it was a certainty that tomorrow wouldn't be another waste.

why did she have to go?

I had blinded myself from reality. The death that I kept denying. Forever in denial wouldn't be the worse way to go, madness truly was the only option I had in this cruel, cold world.

...but it eventually became night.

And I was in front of the clock tower she herself designed years prior, back when she was- as she so blatantly put it- "gorgeous and groovy,"

It was a simple yet so not right. She was a real hippy. The clock was made from tree bark, twigs and leaves, mostly a lot of recycled plastics and a lot of metal and a few bricks. I don't even know how she did it but the clock was a city monument that attracted tourists. That's what my grandmother was- a hippy architecture who designed buildings from rubbish, as some put it. But to me, it was amazing.

The clock struck twelve, and the bell echoed through the night. Twelve chimes burned my ears. The euphonic tune weaved along with the wind. The stars were splattered across the night. Along with a crescent moon, it's murky light, filling the night with emptiness. The clouds drifted endlessly and aimlessly through the sky.

Such a pretty night... She loved nights the same way she simply loved life.

Her singing soul caught the wind and I swear to all the gods, her hands were in mine once again. Her smile, dazzling like rubies and emeralds, shone brightly and glittered. Her once pearl white hair was pink, long and silky, literally all over the place in two loose pigtails. A white dress that ended at her knees and I barely could see her legs, translucent, they were. I realised this is how she once looked. Beautiful, young but with the wind, her hands were no longer in mine.

And I realised I was all alone in this world-

I fell to my knees, my arms wrapped tight around my waist. I bit my lip as I tried to force back the tears. I didn't want this. I never wanted this. I couldn't hold myself hard enough that I could prevent the shaking. In front of the plastic clock tower, I kneeled, in a prayer, hands clasped, head tilted back, my eyes now firmly shut. A few tears escaped and slithered down, reflecting the starlight, my tears on the ground reminded me of how I knew I'd eventually break. Finally, I stopped. My lips were firmly shut and I began to rock back and forth, back and forth. Sobs were choked back, and my sniffling became louder and louder... till I stopped. I choked out: "I wish... I wish someone would hold me,"

And the tears, finally, rained down.

"Your wish is my command,"


A/N: okay I got rid of the previous fanfic but wrote it on the same fic (if that makes sense). I just didn't know where I was going with the first one. Don't worry I'll stick to this one and I know it'll turn out better.


Well, I am kinda excited to write this but at the same time I pray I don't mess it up or confuse anyone. So far I know this story starts with a lot of angst. Then a whole load of fluff but the question is: is there a fluffy or angsty ending?

Anyways. Hope you guys "stay tuned!"


One Thousand And One Wishes: MikaYuuWhere stories live. Discover now