a homecooked meal

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chapter four


A deep, painful groan echoed deep within my throat as I pushed my face off my pool of saliva on the ground. I hoisted myself up from the floor, dragging the thick blankets off my body and throwing them back onto the sofa. This was officially the third time I fell off the damned thing. I say officially because there had been a couple of times where I saved myself by landing on an arm and pushing myself up or clinging onto something and breaking a few nails. I decided then and there, that this most certainly was the last time I slept on a sofa or anything that wasn't a bed. When that Mikaela boy woke up, I was going to demand to have a bed.

But... you can't make heavy demands without giving something back.

The mindless and annoying coo-coo clock- that I broke around 2:00 am last night- said it was 6:21 am. I puffed as I realised I had- under no circumstance in my blissful and sweet Genie life- had I gotten so little sleep. My eyes slowly drifted to the corridor to my left and I wondered if the blonde boy was awake. I began to levitate then shot straight back down to the floor after I remembered there was a limit to the amount of magic I could use, so I couldn't waste it all on flying. I slowly and quietly tiptoed down the corridor pushing open a few doors since I forgot which room he was residing in. Finally, I saw him.

I knelt down by his bedside, sucked in air and I wondered how he could possibly look so good sleeping? He looked so peaceful and serene. From his long, thick, black eyelashes to his pale smooth skin. His golden hair streamed down his face and I lifted a hand to gently push it away. It was soft. With my index finger and thumb I began to feel every strand and loop a few around his ear; his ears were a little pointed and it was cute.

He was far prettier than any princess but I wondered if I kissed him, would he wake up and smile?

He shook his head slightly and groaned and I ran out of there as fast as my little legs could take me. Naturally, my starving self ended up in the kitchen and then a wide grin pulled at my lips. I realised what I was going to give him to get a nice bed.


With crossed legs, I sat at one end of the dining room table. The dining room was a rectangular room with abnormal abstract paintings draped on the wall and eerie statues littered on any flat surface they could find. The walls were black and the chandelier was the colour of obsidian. The floor was a dark walnut colour with slight sheen, and I assumed was it was recently polished. The table was round and circular and the chairs were wooden with black leather.

If there was anything I prided myself in doing without magic, it was cooking!

The blonde boy stumbled into the room with an irritated expression. His hands were gripping onto a shelf for support. I noticed he was trying his best to keep those sleeves down. He made his way towards me with an ever more pissed expression than before. "What do you think you're doing?" He forced out through gritted teeth.

"Are you blind or something? There are two bowls on either side of the table and I'm sitting here, waiting, for you obviously. What do you think I'm doing?" I took a deep breath to calm myself, gathered my inner chi and wisdom or whatever that even meant and pulled another smile. "Would you like to join me, Hyakuya-san?" I was never one for formalities but I had a slight feeling that would piss him off even more. Nevertheless, he reluctantly sat down in the seat in front of me.

"Food does taste better when eaten with loved ones."

I assure you, it wasn't anything fancy. It was cornflakes in lukewarm milk. Anyone who ate cornflakes with cold milk needed actual help from a professional.

He sighed and I noticed his eyes wander around the table. I pulled out all the silverware, china and folded napkins and placed them neatly on a table meant for 4. I was certain he was wondering why we were even in the dining room with all the fancy-schmancy stuff out for something as simple as cornflakes. There was a small table in the kitchen for that. My philosophy in life was 'go big or do nothing,' such a shame I wasn't a superb cook.

I looked at him and wondered what he was thinking. There were laws, Genie Laws and one was that I was forbidden from reading a humans mind or heart. Sometimes, no, literally all the time, I hated those old geezers for making up such stupid laws.

"So..." I began. He didn't look up. I sighed and began to rack my brain for any icebreakers. A man by the name of Guren taught me a few but they were meant for drunk nights when I needed to pick up girls, and of course, I had used them countless times and I am not a virgin! "Did you sleep well last night?" Why would I ask such a lame question? My internal voice screamed.

He didn't move and his eyes were glued to the empty bowl; he looked so sad. With pursed lips, unnaturally pale skin, heavy bags under his eyes, I wondered how much he was hurting at that moment. He probably assumed he was alone and hated yet I couldn't even describe how much I wanted him to realise, to know that if he looked up maybe I could have helped him. Again, he readjusted his sleeve under the table and I didn't need any magic to know what he was hiding.

"So, are you going to school?" I asked after swallowing the last mouthful of cornflakes. Smacking my lips, I gently plucked a neatly folded napkin from the table and dabbed it at the side of my lips.

Placing clenched fists, gripping on sleeves on the table, he hoisted himself up and trudged out of the room. He hadn't even looked up or replied. I picked up my bowl and stood up grabbing his one before dashing into the kitchen and throwing them into the sink.

I tutted as I strolled out.

I found him curled up on the sofa, crying. I knelt down next to him and wondered what he wanted at that moment. "Make a wish," I whispered into his ear. I didn't know what else I could do for him. If there was anything that could take his mind off the pain then I'd do it.

"I wish to go where grandma is..."

He wanted to die?


A\N: I'm so angst-y, don't you think? Like ten points for writing depressing shit sasu!

I have nothing else to say but sorry the start of this fic will be really depressing but don't worry it gets fluffier.

Bye now my fellow mikayuu shippers

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