red lanterns

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chapter six


"Hey, Misters! That's my boyfriend. Leave him alone or else." The Genie boy shouted as he took large strides towards the two bullies.

I was still present, still kneeling and hacking out blood that was supposed to be in my body not splattered on the floor and staining my clothes. I placed my palms on the floor and heaved myself up with a grunt. I stumbled back and leant on the wall as my arms wrapped themselves around my abdomen, scared that something catastrophically bad would happen if I moved my arm. My breathing was uneven and I bit my lip to stop them from trembling.

This wasn't the first time I had been punched but it most certainly was the first time someone tried to help.

At this point, I didn't really understand what was taking place right before my eyes. With a weak boxing stance, the Yuuichiro kid was skipping back and forth, taunting Lacus and Rene as they stared with deadpanned expressions. It was amusing in some sense, however, this was a pretty serious situation. Why couldn't he just use magic or whatever? Was he that confident in his boxing skills?

The two boys turned their heads to look at one another before throwing their heads back and bursting out laughing, saying how they were spot-on on the 'fag' remark. Fortunately, for me and the fool still ready to get his ass whooped, they were called over by a bunch of people and they trudged off, snickering.

"Pfft, those cowards! Ran away because they were scared of these guns!" And with that, he flexed his saggy lunch-lady arms. (They were actually quite toned...)

I sighed before throwing my messenger bag over my shoulder and stumbling off. Fumbling inside my pockets, I pulled out my phone and plugged in my earphones and pressed shuffle on my playlist. Most of the songs on my playlist were from the previous century... or the century before that. Slowly, I zoned out being drowned by the Wonders called Motown. With the soothing beat and the rhythmic lyrics, I swayed slightly, as the music partly relaxed me as the pain, from earlier, gradually resided.

Realising quite fast that the boy speeding up behind me was annoyed, I cleared my throat and pulled out one earphone and let it dangle around my chest. "Why are you here?" I asked with a frown. As much as it was unnecessary for someone to embarrass me in front of my bullies, he used the word 'boyfriend' and as much as a few butterflies did flutter in my stomach, they died soon after, as he seemed pretty proud of his dead insults.

It was obvious I wasn't one for relationships. Probably because I never found anyone who I liked and the reason for that was most likely because I seemed to dislike everyone. I didn't have a gender preference, rather I would judge people based on character and personality (and sometimes how gorgeous they were). Yuuichiro seemed to be heavily flawed but gained high points in the looks factor.

"Well, Mika," he cracked his knuckles as a smirk began to play at his lips. I wrinkled my nose at the name he used. No one called me 'Mika' but my grandmother. "I am here to grant you wishes... So, what would you like?"

He grinned as he threw his arm around me. He lifted up his right arm and with his fingers spread out, he slowly swiped his hand to the side. Every time he moved an inch of his hand, a glimmer of light would blind me. However, I soon realised wherever his fingers touched, magic appeared and there I saw beautiful lanterns over green fields. It was like a painting on a ribbon floating in front of me. If I looked around the strip of light, it was the same boring old world but reaching out to the magic... I realised how real it was.

And there it was, the smallest lantern hovering slightly above my cupped hands. A bright crimson lantern with a golden dragon delicately weaved in. The flames were burning red with flecks of beauty, as it danced on the purple coloured wax. My hands warmed up as the beaming glow showered my face and I think I smiled... and I heard him catch his breath.

"I-I'll give you... W-Whatever you want," his words quiet, a whisper into my ear and he was still holding me. His hand dropped and the image faded and the lantern fell onto my hands, then it was a pile of ash that soon slipped through the gaps between my fingers.

His hand reached out to my hands and I knew he knew what I was feeling at that moment. Alone in the world. All I needed was a razor, with a slit to the wrist, I'd end it all. But I knew I couldn't do that. I'd laugh at my own stupidity, I was too much of a coward and I feared that if I tried something as scary as... as suicide, I wouldn't end up in the same place my blessed grandmother was. She was most likely somewhere dazzling, with sandy beaches and cocktails.

I turned to look at him, I wondered how he knew. Did he hear my choked sobs last night or could he read my mind? What was most perplexing -and partly mind blowing- was why he still was hanging around showing me such beautiful sights and even... touching me, so sweetly.

I feared I may have been reading far too much into the situation but I knew he knew about those scars under my sleeve.

"I'll do anything for you, just live," and I swear I heard him mutter: "don't make the same mistakes,"


A/N: I'm a mess. Why is my writing so angsty. I hope I didn't confuse anyone.

God, I need help tho!

But anyways. It was kind of a filler chapter. I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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