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chapter two


it was warm.

Arms wrapped around me, embracing me, trying to stop my incessant shaking. I could feel the person's heartbeat, their breathing, their everything. The first person in the what felt like the longest time to ever hold me, or knew about my pain and was aware. I wondered who it was, their name or how they looked like but at the same time, I absolutely didn't care. Someone was with me, holding me in that very second. What more could I even dream of wanting?

At that moment, I held onto to them, praying that the simple moment- where I forgot about everything bad- lasted: lasted forever, and ever. Who I was or who they were was something trivial and unnecessary. It was a moment so ephemeral but somehow to my mind, body and to my soul, oh, it felt eternal.

Albeit, no matter how much I desired, there was nothing so perfect that could possibly last. Nothing good ever does. My arms slackened in their grip, slightly. I moved my head away from their warm body and was face to face with something that defied everything and I gasped.

How could someone be so beautiful?

The first thing my slow mind comprehended were emeralds. Emerald eyes that made real emerald seem like common stones, worthless, you couldn't even compare. His eyelashes thick, black and long; they outlined the beauty of those wondrous green orbs. His skin was delicate and flawless. Every curve and crevice, turn and edge, like a magnificent porcelain statue crafted by an artist. A black mane of hair, fluffy yet silky, I wondered what it felt like to entangle my fingers in his soft hair. His pale pink lips were thin yet I strangely had a wanting desire to touch them.

He smiled.

"The names Yuuichiro. A Junior Genie, at your service, sir!" He exclaimed, a wide grin creeping up at his lips. His arms removed themselves from my sides and he hoisted himself up with a grunt. He stood up, his hands at his hips, beaming down at my confused self. He offered me a hand and I cautiously took it. I didn't really understand anything that was happening at that very moment. A very good looking guy- if you don't mind me saying- was claiming to be a Genie. I had my fair share of crazy that day and was in a bit of a daze, however, this was number one. I didn't know how to tell him he was mad or that I had a sudden urge to run away, no matter how good looking he was.

"J-Junior Genie...?" I tilted my head wondering how I ended up in a situation. I partly understood at the same time: nothing that hot could be without flaws.

"Yes! The terms Djinn and Jinni are used however, I prefer the westernised term. I feel closer to Robin Williams this way. Second best Genie to ever existed. First being me, of course!" At this point, he was blabbering and I didn't know whether to feel annoyed he was getting less and less appealing or the fact that he assumed he was better than Robin Williams in anything! I felt a pang of disappointment when I realised I didn't know any psychiatric wards around the area.

"Yu-Yuuichiro? I... I need to go. So thank you and goodbye," I swivelled around him and began to stalk off, fast, not turning back once. The last thing I wanted was to get myself caught up in his insanity. I didn't have time for this no matter how much I partly yearned for his touch again or to know more about the peculiar fellow. Certain things weren't meant to be even if a miracle was placed in my hands. I didn't have to accept something so-

"Go back where?"

That stopped me.

"I can make all your wishes come true." I forced my body to make a U-turn and noticed that he was hovering in the air with his legs crossed. He had the biggest grin as he noticed my mouth was scraping the floor and my eyes shot out of their sockets. 'This cannot be happening!' I internally screamed. I realised moments prior that I was in a bit of a daze, however, I wasn't really mad.

"W-where's your lamp?" I stuttered out. My mind couldn't think of any rational questions or answers to the situation I was currently placed in.

"I'm a Junior Genie. Only proper Genies get lamps, duh!" Obviously, that made total and complete sense and answered all my questions about anything and everything.

The boy- who's name was Yuuchiro- looked about sixteen- similar to my age. His attire didn't match what he was saying. He wore black jeans and a green t-shirt. No pointy shoes or sequins at all.

"How's about you make a deal with me, sir? I'll give you all that you desire. Except I can't make anyone fall in love with you, bring back the dead or assist you in any evil deeds. So basically I can't do anything fun!" He cackled as he counted up with his fingers. Well, he probably thought he was cackling but to me, he was giggling like a little school girl. 'How cute,' I thought.

"Contract? That would mean you're getting something. What could you possibly want from me?"

"Well," he shuffled around on the stop, his eyes glaring at his feet. He kept playing with his fingers when he spoke up. Those long, pale, slender fingers. I wanted my own fingers to be intertwined with his, locked together, and I didn't want to let go. "Can I stay with you... Just for a little while." My breath was hitched a little and I was confused. He slowly looked up and we locked eyes for a moment and a small part of me wanted him to hold me like he did, moments before.

Then I realised how impossible that sounded.

I wanted to be alone and I didn't want anyone near me. The world around me was getting slower and slower and I was suffocating. I didn't to be with anyone as I was being strangled by my own self-loathing. Some sick thoughts in my head said I deserved the pain and I agreed. My grandmother was the only reason I continued in this cruel world and she was gone. I didn't understand why he would want to stay with me, why would anyone want that?

I didn't realise my knees collapsed and I was on the floor. That fucking make-believe storm swirling around me and the rain came, again. Harder and you could actually hear it this time. I was shaking and I wanted nothing more than to disappear. Every part of me was certain that no one- and I mean absolutely no one on this planet- would miss me.

And here we were again. His arms around me and I could feel his heartbeat, his breathing, his everything. And like before, it was a moment so ephemeral but somehow to my mind, body and to my soul, oh, it felt eternal. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head in the crook of his neck.

He felt warm.

A small part of me clicked and I wondered if I should stay in this world a little longer... just so I could feel him, his arms, his everything, once again?


A/N: a mix of angst and humour. What a horrible mix. Sorry. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter no matter how depressing it is. Robin Williams reference made me sad 😰 but love him forever

Anyways ta-ta for now!

One Thousand And One Wishes: MikaYuuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz