History Lesson

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John lets you know he has work later and then spends the next few hours talking away, and then eventually leaves for work. The rest slowly emerge from their rooms and you've made breakfast. Just like your Bro.

"Thanks Dave," Terezi says.

You give her an approving nod and then sulk over to the couch as everyone else floods the kitchen.

She never did lose her eyesight again. Things are different between the two of you ever since she had started hanging with Gamzee and even after there was always a crack in the good thing you had going. Sure you're friends but it would never be anything more than that.

It got worse after losing Jade to the Condesce. Eventually she had pulled herself out of the mind control but in doing so she sacrificed herself so the rest of the group could succeed. The same fate met Jane.

Losing Jade wrecked Karkat too. You had noticed how depressed he got when he realized what was going on. He begged her not to. Jade seemed to be one of the only people to auspisticise with him. But you could see it when she left, he had red feelings for her. You know the pain he goes through because you loved her too. 

It wasn't something you had figured out until after through reminiscing with Jake. In doing so you realized how your heart had raced when seeing her for the first time although it hadn't been under great circumstances, it didn't matter. She was beautiful and you wanted to save her from what was happening. But you couldn't only she could.

You sink into the couch and listen to the ruckus going on in the kitchen. The yelling and conversation was making your head spin. You close your eyes and put your head back.

Although you had been through a lot of difficult things, despite all the negativity, there was so much good to come of it. You created a world where both trolls and humans coexist. Biologically nothing was changed for the two species, you live in harmony with each other, they fall in love with each other. Troll love and human love can almost be interchangeable, but the understanding of both is inbred within the minds of the species. Things aren't as complicated as they were when your team of humans and Karkat's team of trolls came together.

Things clashed and you made fun of each others love for a long time. But it's not like that for this new "Earth/Alternia". They understand without needing to ask questions. You're glad you were a part of creating this new universe where its not so complicated for the inhabitants.

Someone is suddenly standing over you and you open your eyes. It's Rose. She's looking at you funny.

"What," you inquire.

"I asked if you had work today."

You hadn't even heard her ask the question. You were too busy getting lost in memories and thoughts of the past and the present world you live in.

"Yeah, but not until much later, why what's up?"

"Could you drive Kanaya to the shop, she needs to pick up some stuff to finish off this commission she has."

"Why can't you do it?"

"Because I have some things to do for my own job, plus you don't spend enough time with her. You're my brother, I'd hope you'd want to hold a pretty good relationship with my girlfriend."

Ahh yes, the brother card, she just loves to pull that out on you. But it's not a chore for you to spend time with Kanaya. In fact you'd like to consider her a part of the family even though her and Rose are not married. Yet.

"Of course. Hey Kan!"

She looks up at you and you wave her over.

"I just need to change and shower then we can go alright?"

"Okay that sounds fine. No need to rush either."

You nod at her and she goes back to the island to finish her breakfast. You smile contently and then move to your room. When you look in the first thing you notice is that your bed is a mess. You sigh heavily. You were so exhausted and surprised you didn't bother making your bed before leaving. You make it real quick then grab an outfit of black jeans and a white shirt with a heart on it.

You shower and it's calming. The steam coming off opens up your sinuses and your mind. You hop out of the shower and into your clothes, throwing your pajamas in the hamper in your room. You wait in the kitchen when Calliope tells you Kanaya is getting herself ready and making a list of what she needs to get from the shop.

She runs a clothing store where she hand makes everything. Sometimes people come to her with commissions. She has a lot of fun doing it and puts her all of her passion into it. She even occasionally makes you stare in awe at her creations.

"Alright Strider, I'm ready let's go," she says with a smile on her face. 

You smile back at her and then grab your keys and off you go.

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