Suit and a Bowtie. Don't Forget Your Shades

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((  Alright guys this is the last part, hope you like it. part one so you can click through))

He sniffles and puts a hand to yours.

"I couldn't bullshit you if I tried."

You lean down and kiss him. He feels like he's shaking. You wrap your arms around his torso and pull him closer to you.

"Awwwww! Someone get a camera!"

"They're so cute oh my god."

"I'm so happy for them."

"Nepeta would have a field day with this."

You break away and lean your forehead against his. You both smile. His face is burning red from the comments. You stretch an arm out, eyes still locked on John, and slowly but surely flip them all off.

"Hey we don't appreciate that kind of profanity around here," Jake says.

"I really don't fucking care," you say.

John hugs you and nestles in.

"Alright guys, operation embarrassment was a success move out."

Everyone leaves except Karkat. John shuts his eyes. Karkat just nods and gives you a thumbs up. You smile and he walks away.

~Some Years Down The Road~

You look at yourself in the mirror. You don't think you've ever been so nervous in your entire life. But why should you be so nervous? It's not like you don't know what to expect, you just ran through the whole thing yesterday. But it's a pretty damn big deal. You're getting married. There's a knock on the door.

"You know it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride in his wedding dress-"

"Hey asswipe... Shut the fuck up and let me in."

You laugh to yourself and open the door for Karkat. He looks you over and then steps behind you before you can shut the door. You turn to him.

"You know," he says, his back still turned to you. "I really thought I would have to kill you despite how much you professed your love to him." He pauses fixing his tie and then turns to you. He clears his throat. "It still stands that I'll beat you into the ground if you hurt him... But... I trust you... I trust you to... To take good care of him."

You're surprised. This is the closest you're going to get to him giving you his blessing. But it means a lot nonetheless.

"Thanks Karkat."

You lean into hug him. He struggles and tells you to get off of him, but you know that's the closest you'll get to him actually having any physical contact with you. You finally release him. He fixes his hair and tie and then leaves.

"Good luck."

Dirk rustles in next.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, duh of course..."

He pats your back.

"Well you look great," he says with a smile.

You roll your eyes.

"Just breathe, you're gonna do just fine. I'm... I'm proud of you bro. I'm really glad you're my brother."

He smiles and then turns to leave before you can say much else. You smile at yourself in the mirror and look at the time. You're practically shaking now. You grab some sick shades, slip them on and then leave the room. Before you take your place at the altar Rose stops you, practically glaring at you.

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