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"When will love ever be enough?"


I lie in bed reading one of my favorite books; Whisky, Words, and a Shovel.
The poems in it are so relatable that's it's hard to read sometimes. This book is good for showing you your feelings put into words. Words you could never express on your own.

(still beautiful)

You're not perfect. There are scars on the surface of your heart. I'm convinced that you've experienced a set of events throughout your life and you're what people refer to as broken. In my eyes, you're the most beautiful arrangement of broken I've ever witnessed. I look at you and think, "there's my future, she's the one."

Ruby had sent me a picture of this poem while she was reading the book and it made me think. She feels this way about me... Me! She believes I'm the one for her. I think the same. But I keep thinking about the baby. I am pregnant. Three months now to be exact. I don't know what to feel, Ruby said giving the baby up was out of the question. But why would I want a part of Justin, someone to remind me of him for the rest of my life? Around this time of night I can never sleep, especially since Ruby is out of town so I'm completely alone for the next few days with nothing to do but think. She hasn't changed the years we've been separated, but I have. I've changed so much that it's scary. Did I change for the better or for the worse? Either way, Ruby still loves me for the way I am. For the new me, and I am grateful. Is there really such a thing as soul mates? Because if it is she's the one for me. I couldn't see myself with anyone else. She's it.

It's been three months since everything happened with Justin, thus reminding me of this child that will will always be a constant reminder of him. Of a man I no longer want to have in my thoughts. He is consuming me. Every part of me still shaking at the thought of the incident. I hope Ruby comes back soon, I can't handle being by myself for much longer. I need her, i need her here to hold me.

Getting out of my bed to shower I hear something fall in the kitchen. I stop in my tracks before grabbing a taser out of my purse that was on the nightstand. I slowly take steps toward the kitchen to see if anyone has invaded my home. When I get there everything is in tact. Nothing is out of place, perfect as it was before I checked. But before I can turn around I am grabbed from behind with a cloth covering my nose and mouth.

Then I am unconscious.


I decide to surprise Charnae by coming home a few days early. First I pick up a bouquet of blue flowers and her favorite chocolates. When I finally arrive to the house in surprised to not find her asleep on the couch.

"Charnae?" I say aloud.

No response.

"Charnae, are you home?"

No response.

I check the room but she isn't there either. Her phone is on the bed, with mixed calls and unread texts from me. Her phone starts to ring, an unknown calling her. I answer hoping it may be someone who has heard from her or is at least looking for her too.


"Hello, Ruby."

Oh my god.


"Nice knowing you remember me love. I assume you're wondering about Char's where abouts, am I correct?" He says with smugness on his voice.

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