welcome to my midnight mode

77 11 17

hey kids it's me the kid to the kids to the kids kids kids

lmao what am I doing

I feel like a blogger shit I'm Alfie deyes

is that how you spell it

Alfie Deyes more like golden days amirite


anyways I've been doing nothing productive this past week I barely write anything and then today I wrote like 200 words for the new NUIT chapter or idk how many whatever it's a rad thing the new cover is my shit it looks so clean and nice and the fuckin red moon and cross thing shit what's it called

crucifixion thing that's it I think

that's wrong fuck it

but literally nuit is honestly such a fun thing for me I fuckin love vampires and supernatural shit like that no not the show I don't watch it nor do I want to moving on

in these lil things I write like how I talk like the "fuckin" and "lil" stuff like I slur a lot of words and just take off endings honestly I sound like I'm from somewhere really conservative

or like Georgia or something idk

I say y'all for Christs sakes I live in the north and I talk like I'm from fuckin Alabama what the shit

I swear so much like what the fuck is wrong with me

damnit I did it again

ah Britney Spears

yo Britney Spears is honestly my shit she was such a rad person I live for her music in the nineties god

I'm just doing random stuff now I'm just talking like what's up with u guys tell me in the comments even tho there's like 4 people who read this

fuck it I don't care

yo what's up with the tøp fandom like is this band real y'all are sending in hamster by Josh that sounds like a shitty fanfiction name oh my god

honestly TØP is just out of it

speaking of out of it buzzfeed unsolved is my shit

how is that related? It's not, but I wanted to change the subject fuck it

Buzzfeed unsolved is my shit like man I love murder mystery shit and god reading and murder and vampires and gah

can't handle on screen gore

nope can't do that for some reason

Read a graphic description on a man being ripped apart by wolves? Totally at ease and loving it. Creepy ass vampire fanfiction with mind control and horrifying murder? Perfect that's my shit. A little needle poking someone's skin in a movie? Nah man I'm fuckin out see ya l8er

I feel like AVRIL Levine when I do that thing with the 8 idk why


one republic is my shit

bet y'all were unaware of that

fun facts 4 u

Honestly they've only release three albums but they've been a band since 2001?? Like holy shit man ur old as hell

an obnoxious gay ; rantsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt