im literally just describing my friends and procrastinating thats it

26 5 4

i just sat and waited to see if this chapter title would work tbh because 80 characters maximum limit thing why wattpad why

i wrote "watttoad" by accident omfg i cant spell

honestly ive written 'fuck' when trying to type 'from' i have a problem

school was shit honestly i felt awful all day and my nose was runny and my throat hurt and my back hurt it was shit tbh

i also kept like thinking about my friends and then i was like 'i need to write about them so i can call them out on their shit tbh enjoy this u losers

im sorry i called you losers

okay i surprisingly have a decent sized friend group like my lunch table that sits 12 people is full almost every day and i have various friends spread across the lunchroom because they have better friends than me idk

so like my closest friend is another trans person who ive known since i was like 7 but we got re-acquainted in seventh grade so that was fun. we also found out we were trans at the same time i remember asking her "do you know what its like to feel like you dont want to be your sex" and she was like "yeah" so that was cool but shes like a problematic fave shes got hella bad depression and completely disregards it, bought the john cena theme song as well as every other meme song you can think of (name some in the comments i guarantee she'll have it. i also got her into mcr and now she owns all the albums and bullets on vinyl haha sucker i illegally downloaded it onto my phone suck on that. and shes got like 61 kinks i shit you not i sent her a list of all the offical kinks type deal and shes like 'i counted i have 61' and im kinkshaming only a little because having a knife shoved up your ass blade first is a little dangerous to your health like cmon friend lets thing logically here

also she has an iphone 4 and its so shit honestly i cant take it seriously

okay then we've got these two im putting together bc theyre dating and its honestly adorable theyre so cute together look at this gay shit. so one of them is this genderfluid and like the human version of the 'this is why we cant have nice things' meme thing theyre such a mess but theyre really chill. theyre just a big nerd honestrly i like talking about marvel with them its fun. then we've got their girlfriend whos this asian girl who doesnt give a fuck about pronouns like im using she because she never said anything against it but like ive seen her datefriend say 'they' before but idk. she doesnt talk that much but shes really chill and listens to emo to the extremo music like she likes bvb im kinkshaming a little but honestly that song where mikey and gerard helped with the lyrics and bass is honestly bomb its great.

then we have the child of the group who reminds me so much of my younger sister sometimes like how she always wants to be near someone and is very nice. you know what my sisters not nice she calls people whores in a non-joking way and hits me anyways to this girl is better than my sister and shes so small and fun. shes also asexual af like she cant handle the word sex and because we make a lot of sex jokes during lunch (we've tried to chill once she told up she was uncomfortable but we're all awful) and shes so tiny and hardly swears but she could kick my ass if she wanted to tbh shes strong as hell and does cheerleading as a base which is basically holding everyone up and im scared of her streangth tbh im a limp noodle compared to her kill me

next up is the actual defentition of preblematic fave. shes so chill most of the time but shes got adhd and cant take anything without a fight. she takes bomb ass selfies tho like damn teach me your ways.

finally we've got the tree friend shes so tall its illegal. shes really chill tho like she doesnt give a fuck. shes also demisexual panromantic and never stops talkiung about supernatural like chill pls sorry.

fuck i was going to write lost brothers today but its like 6:10pm i think i can do it also my mom just came home and i finished the hunger games.

im gonna go write lost brothers bye

an obnoxious gay ; rantsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt