Chapter 4 - 78 days

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Dear Moon,

Life is a peculiar thing, don't you think? It's so fickle, I mean we could be alive and healthy and a second later we could be injured or dead. When I'm alone at night, thoughts like these run around in my mind. It's so fascinating, life and death and how quickly everything could be over.

Did it hurt when you died? Or was it just like falling asleep but never waking up again? Were you scared when you died?

I'd like to think that you left this world peacefully and that you weren't in any pain. For now that's the only thought that keeps me sane. There are some other questions that are bothering me. Like, why did you get killed? Why would anyone do that?

Life has been pretty rough after you left. I lost my job a couple of days after your death and now I'm almost losing our apartment. In some way, I want to lose it too because I hope that it will help me move on. After all, it held all of our memories together. I'd like to let that go, but still not forget it, if you know what I mean.

Don't worry though, I'll get my life back together somehow and I'll make you proud. I hope you're watching over me, wherever you are.

Until we meet again,


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