Beach Feels

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My very first request So I hope you like it Prakriti_Singh

Prakriti's P.o.v

It was your favorite day of the week... Saturday.

Shawn would always buy you Pizza from your favorite restaurant on the boardwalk. Then take you to the beach afterwards to watch the sunset.

You guys did this every Saturday.
And you Loved it.

This time it seemed a little different...

"Shawn you Okay?"
You could always tell when he was a little off.

"Yeah I'm Fine. I'm Always Fine Prakriti don't worry Hun" He said.

But you knew something was still bothering him. But you just let it go you didn't want to get him mad. So you continued walking.
Then he stopped.

"Prakriti do you Love me?" He asked worriedly

"Shawn why would you ask such a stupid question?"

"Answer Me."

You stopped walking and stood infront of him. And held his hands.

"Of course I do Shawn! I love you with all my heart and all my being. Why are you so worried?"
Looking into those Gorgeous Chocolate brown eyes of his.

"I'm just making Sure..."

That's weird but whatever.

"Okay... Can we get Pizza Now?"

"Of course Love!"

He seemed glad you had changed the subject.

"How about I got get the Pizza and you find a nice place to sit, Okay?"

"Okay." (😉)


It had been about ten minutes when Shawn finally came back with the pizzas. He came over and sat down right next to you.

"Prakriti this sky is gorgeous!"

Looking at the sunset that the beautiful skys of California were giving you.

"It is..." Sighing...

It was so peaceful, So perfect... You were happy with Shawn and didn't want anything to change it.


"Yes." Looking over to see your boyfriend's face the most serious you've ever seen.

"One day. Maybe in few years or something. Would you consider... Ya know. Maybe Marrying Me?" He asked.

You were surprised to say the least



You knew he was serious.
So you looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Of course I would Shawn. I'd love to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry you. Have kids with you the whole package deal!! And When we get married I hope we continue doing this every Saturday!"

"I Love you Prakriti."

You smiled at him.
He looked so happy right now...
And you knew he meant what he said.

"I Love you too Shawn."

This is the Moment you wish you could keep for Forever.

Hold onto for the rest of your life and just stay here.

Here in this moment.

But that's not how it works... It never is Sadly...

So you just took in everything at thiz moment.

The sunset
The sounds of the waves crashing
The sand
His smile...

So you just sat there. Happy as ever...

It felt like you were falling in love all over again.

You both ended up watching the sunset and falling asleep on the beach...

The End.


I hoped you liked it Prakriti_Singh!!
And remember I'm always taking requests so just comment or Dm me for one!! Also thank you for more than 600 reads!!

You know you love me...
XoXo, S.a.n.d.u. 💋💄💋

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