pickup line

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"Did it hurt?"

*eyerolls so far back its last week*

"Let me guess, when I fell from heaven.


"What then?"


"Did it hurt when you fell for me?"

"Omg Shawn Stop!"

"Okay okay..."

*some time passes*



"How are you?"


"I asked how you were, not how you looked."


"Shuut uuupp!!!"


"My turn then!"


"Lemme think..."

*bites lip*

"Y/n. Don't bite your lip."

*rolls eyes*



"I wanna do that.."

*smiles cheekily*



"Oh You know you love me!"

"Yea yea.. Just let me get one in!"

"Okay, okay..."

"Ya know Y/n"

"I know what?"

"If you were words on a page you'd be what they call fine print."

"Omgg nooo!!! It was my turn!!!"


"OMG Someone Call God!!!" You yell.


in a hushed tone,"He's missing an Angel!!?!"

"That was good😂"

"I like your last name Shawn, can I have it?"

"Of course!"

"My last one Y/n."


"You wanna know what you'd like really beautiful in?"


"My arms." He says as he pulls you in for a hug.

"My last one."


"You wanna know what the best thing in my life is, it's the first word of this sentence."


"Oh I love you"

"I love you more though!❤"

The end❤

Shawn Mendes imagines Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora