So Yeah...

43 6 15


So hi there.

I think a lot of people who follow me or read any of my A/N's in my stories may have a slightly false image of the type of person I am.

Online I can be myself, a fun happy go-lucky and fucked up otaku. Here I can speak my mind without having to worry about losing something.

In reality, however, I am really quiet and emotional, I let things get to me easily and I get really pissed. Also, I never speak my mind because any time that I have tried to, I get bitched at for telling someone the truth. I even have to hide the fact that I like anime because apparently I embarrass my friends.

This is more going to be a rant chapter, so I'm going to talk about anything and everything that's going on.

Of course, I'm going to change people's names who are on Wattpad for privacy and shit.


I guess I should start with my friends. I met my best friend Carrie in kindergarten, so we've been friends for over 10 years now.

Then in sixth grade I met Marisa, Rayna, and Teresa.

Then in eighth, I met Kayla and Letrica.

When I first met Marisa in sixth grade, she was really quiet and shy. We first hit it off because we were really similar. And I mean REALLY similar.

We both are mixed black and white, we both have asthma, THE EXACT SAME PRESCRIPTION GLASSES.

But then somewhere in the middle of seventh grade she changed.

She became a lot more sassy, and cursed a lot. She kept calling me her bitch, and started wearing a lot of makeup. She keeps saying she looks ugly without makeup, and has been hanging out with really bad people.

This year, she's completely stopped talking to me.

But I don't really mind, since I can't really relate to her anymore since her "transformation".

The friend I'm really worried about is Kayla.

Kayla is someone I can't handle.

I never really became friends with her, just one day she started talking to me and saying she loved me and shit.

And that was fine for a while.

Now, it's basically the same thing, BUT ALL SHE TALKS ABOUT IS HERSELF.

Every time she walks into the room, it's all about her fucking hair, or her fucking boyfriend, or her fucking soccer team, or someone who fucking likes her.


I can never say anything, I just nod and say yeah in the right because I just want her to SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Then she starts being conceited and shit, like saying she looks sexy as fuck, and I get really uncomfortable talking to her.

I'm one of those people that can't tell others straight up what I'm feeling, I usually bottle it up and cry about it later.

Oh, and don't even get me started on my family.

My mom has practically disowned me because I like anime and tried to get her to accept me as an otaku.

I understand that she doesn't like anime, but she is always saying that I'll never be able to do something successful if I continue watching anime all the time.

She also doesn't support me in becoming a manga artist or animator, she doesn't even support me cosplaying.

And my entire family is exactly the same. They feel that my mom is always right.

That's why after I graduate, I plan to move up to New York near my friend or to either L.A. or Orlando. I want to try and get away from who I am and the people who don't care about me, and be around people who do care.

I'm not even sure if the move will be successful, if I'll miss my current friends and family, or if I will even move away.

But I want a new change of scenery, I want to go out and explore, and find new opportunities for me and my career.

I feel like the only people that get me are you guys 💖

Thanks for listening to me rant, I promise things will be a lot happier than this from now on!


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