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(Random, but the picture in the media is my desktop profile picture as well as my Google account profile picture.)

Hello, all!

So... Knighty (BlackCat41Knight) tagged me to answer some questions...

*can't come up with a good transition*

Umm... let's do this!

1. Do you play any sports?

Like, officially in a club? No. But, I plan on being a lot more active for the next couple months. Gotta lose dat tummy fat so I can cosplay as Ren from RWBY next year.

*grabs tummy fat in both hands*


2. Favorite class and why?

Lol this is such an obvious one. Art class, without a doubt. Even though I'm just in the beginners class right now, I am learning a lot and applying those skills to the crappy drawings I do at home and post here (sometimes). Next year I am taking THREE art classes (I went through hell to fit them into my schedule)

Right now we're on the painting unit... and I love it. :3


3. Favorite game to play?

I LOVE THIS GAME. It's called RWBY: Grimm Eclipse (those of you who follow me most likely saw my post complaining about no one ever wanting to play with me XD). I love it because one, obviously I love the anime RWBY and two I love the gameplay itself and the people I get to meet through it.


4. Favorite TV show?

I don't really watch TV anymore... :3 But the last show I remember watching and loving to death was Criminal Minds. Oh yeah, I heard something about Morgan being gone, and he was my favorite character, so I'm reluctant to even try to watch it. Plus, there is a lot of anime I need to catch up on.


5. Have you ever sang in public?

Well, yes. I was in choir for 6 years, and that technically counts as singing in public.

Ooh! But at the anime con I went to a couple weeks ago, I kept singing the Pokemon theme song, and a bunch of other corny songs a lot of people would know. I sang them really loudly as I rode up the escalator. My aunt kept telling me that if I did it one more time, she would disown me.

Oh, on the topic of escalators, I saw a comment from AuroraAngel900 on our comment chain about touching other people's hands on the other side of the escalator the day after I came back from the first day of the con, so the next day I tried it out. Oddly enough, a lot of the people took it well. Especially Deadpool, he entwined our fingers and started walking up the opposite way his escalator was going to keep out hands together XD Then we acted out a dramatic scene where the escalator ripped us apart like some corny lovers from a bad TV drama for housewives.

'Twas fun.


6. Candy or ice cream?

I suppose it depends on what kind each is. If it was like a Kit-Kat v.s. strawberry ice cream, I'd go for the Kit-Kat. If it was like Sweetarts v.s. vanilla ice cream, I'd go for the ice cream. But in general, ice cream.


7. Do you have any stuffed animals?

Yes, tons. Err, I have...

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