Randomness Pt. 7

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It's been a while since I've done one of these. So... why nawt?



Have you ever read a TimXMoby fanfiction to a 2 y.o. toddler?

Okay, so now I kind of have to break down what went down.

Friday night of 5/12, a bunch of students from my school West and the rivaling school East held an event called Relay for Life, where we have to have at least one person walking around the track from 6:00 to midnight to support Cancer patients and cancer-affected families, with the slogan "Cancer Never Sleeps, So Neither Will We". I was a part of this group of 14 people called Autodefenestration (google it, you will not be disappointed).

 I was a part of this group of 14 people called Autodefenestration (google it, you will not be disappointed)

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I'm the one with my leg sticking up... Lol I just realized my son was holding my foot, and my wife was being sexy too. We're good parents d=(^~^d=)

Also, my brother and sister brought my niece because they had just come back from a play at the actual high school and were waiting for my dad to pick them up. Two amazing girls in my group, Samantha and Letricia, just happened to start reading a TimXMoby fanfiction from here on Wattpad, and I grabbed my niece and leaned in really close.

This was a lemon fanfic, by the way.

At one point, my niece yelled "Kiss!"

Best night of this year yet XD


We also held an AOT drinking game, with lemonade, we were keepin it legal.

There were so many rules, if you had actual alcohol, you'd be so fckin drunk.

1. Every time Mikasa says "Eren".

2. Every time Eren screams/yells.

3. Every time there is a random and convenient inspirational speech.


There were more rules, but we only got to watch the first episode so those were the only ones that applied.


I think I've mentioned my fanfiction.net more times than necessary, and the lot of you already know that it exists. But the question is:

Should I post the stories/oneshots that are on fanfic on Wattpad?

I won't if you're not interested.


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