Randomness Pt. 4

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First, let's start off with my inspiration to make another Randomness part.

First, let's start off with my inspiration to make another Randomness part

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*fangirl squeals*

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*fangirl squeals*

Can I just...wha-- ho-- GURRRRR NOTICE ME KINDER EGG.

I seriously was not expecting... Okay, it's okay, deep breaths. Connor is just a guy who makes videos, it's not like he's a celebrity. Plus, he's expressed the fact that he gets annoyed by fangirl overreactions... deep, deep breaths. Calm yourself, INNER PEACE.




As I've mentioned before, I have a large email thread that I use to talk to my friends rather than texting like normal teens my age do nowadays. And, I have made everyone in the email thread aware of the fact that Ai is my second-in-command (after a through explanation on what he is and his attitude, etc.) , and we have come up with the idea that Ai lives in my closet and I only let him out for work with QN and to hang out with me when I'm lonely. I also bribe him with Jell-O.

So Ai is now part of our email thread (Since he manages my email, he uses my minami.author.chan@gmail.com)

(Also, note, I am Carrie's wife, if you couldn't figure that out.)


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