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Interview: Annany

Author of "Dream and Nightmare" 

Author of "A Pawn in the End" 

What can we call you (name)?


Where are you from?

Midwestern USA

What is your favorite hobby?

Well obviously writing would be my main one, but I also love art (drawing, painting, photography, printmaking), and of course reading when I have the time

Coffee or tea?

Neither actually. Though if I were forced to drink one it would have to be coffee. I get my caffeine from diet coke.

What book(s) are you reading now?

Outside of Wattpad: I'm currently reading Brisingr by Christopher Paolini, but it's slow going.

On Wattpad: I'm reading Nightscape by@TomPowter, Con Artist Legacy XD, and Wrapped in Silk by@PaigeyLou. Once again, slow going. I'm a horribly ADD reader.

Who are your favorite Wattpad authors?

Oh man there are so many good ones. Currently i'm going to have to say@TomPowter, but there are many others with a lot of talent like the ones I listed above.

When and why did you start writing?

I started writing in middle school, but never got much down, and everything was terrible. I didn't really get into it until halfway through high school. I've always been a creative person, very into reading so writing was really a good outlet for my creativity. I can't imagine not doing it.

Is there a specific genre that you like to read/write?

I'm completely into Fantasy. I almost read it exclusively although I'm trying to branch out more. I've tried writing in other genres before, but it wasn't until I started writing Fantasy that I really got into it.

What or who inspires you in your work?

Everything and anything really. My main problem with reading is that I get so inspired in the middle of a book, chapter, paragraph or even sentence that I have to put the book down and start writing. Even tv shows and movies inspire me if they're good enough.

Can you tell us a bit about your current story and why people would want to read it?

My current story is a fantasy adventure called 'Dream and Nightmare' about a young girl named Anah and her friends and family as they explore a magical new world, and try to discover all of its secrets before it's too late, and all of their dreams turn into nightmares. It's packed full of adventure, magic, magical creatures, romance, mystery, danger, villains, witty sarcasm, and a unique characters. I'm really in love with this story, and I hope everyone else loves it too.

Is there a message for your readers in your work?

If people get anything from my work, I want it to be to keep your creativity. Everyone still has that wild imagination in them that takes them to different worlds, and I think it's important that people don't lose it.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

KEEP WRITING. I started off completely terrible and I am constantly improving. If its something you're passionate about, never stop. Even if you have to throw out twenty different ideas, and even if people say you suck, work to improve and one day you'll find a style and story line that work for you. But it takes WORK.

Is there anything else you would like add?

I'd like to add that joining Wattpad had been a really great experience for me. It keeps me motivated, it forces me to keep a schedule, teaching me time management which I am completely HORRIBLE at, and it's really one of the most uplifting, inspirational things when somebody complements my work. 

A/N: I have reviewed "Dream And Nightmare" by Annany.

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