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Interview: Sahealey

Author of "Empty Me Out" 

What can we call you (name)?

My name is S A Healey on Wattpad, but most people call me by my first name, Sue.

Where are you from?

South Coastal Massachusetts

What is your favorite hobby?

I have lots of hobbies, but writing and reading are by far my favorites.

Coffee or tea?

Coffee, without question! Caffeine is my best friend :)

What book(s) are you reading now?

A book called Love Anthony by Lisa Genova. It’s soooo good! Plus, I’m reading tons of awesome Wattpad stories.

Who are your favorite Wattpad authors?

There are SO MANY extremely talented writers on Wattpad! One in particular that I absolutely love is k_author.  His sci-fi story Horizon is epic! I am reading another one of his stories right now called Tunnels, and I cannot put it down!  

When and why did you start writing?

It all began when I was just a kid, maybe 8-9 years old. I used to keep a daily journal, and I’d pour all my thoughts into it. From there, it evolved into writing stories, and occasionally poems.

Is there a specific genre that you like to read/write?

I almost always write about romance because it’s what I know.

What or who inspires you in your work?

Although my stories are fictional, much of my inspiration is drawn from my own life experiences.

Can you tell us a bit about your current story and why people would want to read it?

My story is called Empty Me Out, and it is a young adult romance. Kelsey, a college senior, is responsible, conscientious and hardworking. She makes no apologies for her aversion to the college party scene, despite her best friend’s efforts to help her “let loose” and live a little. Then, one night, under rather unpleasant circumstances, she meets Mark and finds herself falling for him despite his involvement in the very lifestyle she so vehemently despises. In time, Kelsey begins to question whether Mark’s behavior is just typical of someone living the “college experience” or if perhaps a deeper problem exists that she is not equipped to handle.

I wrote this story with the intention of taking the reader on an emotional roller-coaster ride. You will love the characters and you will also hate them. At times you will question their decisions. And the only way to find out if their journey has all been worth it is to stick with the story until the end :)

Is there a message for your readers in your work?

Yes. That loving someone is not always a fairy tale.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Yes. If you love to write, then do it! Don’t let fear keep you from it, like I did. It took me 43 years to gather enough courage to put my stuff out there, but I am so glad I did! Don’t worry about not being good enough. Write because you love it. And the more you write, the better you’ll get, and the easier it’ll become. Go for it!!

Is there anything else you would like add?

I cannot thank the Wattpad community enough for all of the amazing support. The encouragement and feedback I’ve received has given me the confidence to go for my dream of becoming a published author someday. THANK YOU!!!

A/N: I have reviewed "Empty Me Out" by Sahealey.

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