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Interview: Mizmouse

Author of some fabulous poetry.

What can we call you (name)?

Mouse. Mousey. I also answer to Bride to Verden and Owner of Reth :D

Where are you from?

Top secret info! I can only say it's in Asia and it rains like crazy here.

What is your favorite hobby?

READING! My first true love! *Points to profile pic* That's my mantra. I can get so caught up with reading, I'll forget to sleep and eat. XP

Coffee or tea?

Dear Lord, forgive anyone stupid enough to get between me and coffee. You can get your gut sliced open if you talk to me before my morning Joe. >__>

Interesting Fact?

I'm not really a mouse O___O *hangs head in shame*

What book(s) are you reading now?

Rats, this is going to be long.

~ Calathus by Lady_Lucia

~ Dream and Nightmare: Revenge by Annany

~ Act of a Demon: The Dark Bloods by Lady_Lucia

~ Escaping by coldfire22

~ Goddess Unravelled by ELatimer

~ Veeran by Viviloana *hint, hint, nudge,nudge*

~ What You Don't See by PaigeyLou *hint, hint, nudge,nudge*

Oh and non Wattpad books are

~ The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

~ Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

I got them as Christmas presents, along with a box of tissues. That points to something, doesn't it? >__>

Who are your favorite Wattpad authors?

Oh wow, if I'm reading or have read any of your stories, then you are a favorite writer of mine. But special shout out to Lady_Lucia coz she makes me wish I can kidnap her characters and lock them in my room.

When and why did you start writing?

Well I only write poems, and it started like how all good fanfic starts, I was kidnap by a group of famous singers- wait, no, wrong reality.

True story is, there was this boy, who was so cute. He stole my heart, and made me mute. To overcome, I then took time, to string love words, that sorta rhymes.

Is there a specific genre that you like to read/write?

I love reading Fantasy! It began with C.S Lewis's Narnia and I just fell in love and never look back. Second to that, I love a good whodunnit murder mystery, I blame Agatha Christie for that.

What or who inspires you in your work?

Heartache, a really disturbing book and glasses. ^~^

Can you tell us a bit about your current story and why people would want to read it?

Current poem is titled Fear. It was inspired by a recurring living nightmare. I know some of you have the same fear. Know that you are not alone. Mousey is here for you. *pats*

If you’re not writing on WP, what is your favorite thing to do?

Stalking, commenting, poking, and making soup :D

Is there a message for your readers in your work?

Not really. Two people reading the same words take away different meanings about them because of who they are, not because of what those words are. I'm happy enough if they enjoyed it.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Viv, I'm the last person who should be giving writing advice. <__< But from a WP reader's point of view, the advice I would like to give to new writers are:

~ Be patient: It takes time and effort to launch a new book here. Don't get dishearten by those numbers. Write for the love of it, applause are just a bonus.

~ Be nice, be humble, to your readers, even if they are a nuisance. :P

~ Always strive to improve your art, help is everywhere.

Is there anything else you would like add?

If anyone is reading this, help!! Viv has me trapped in the basement making soup! TT__TT I'm so doomed...


What was your least favorite book of all time?

Currently, Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Sorry, I was just so hyped for it, then it just didn't reach the level it was hyped out to be.

What genre do you hate?

Hate is such a strong word, I would say genre I would most likely avoid is the Horror section. Most specifically Stephan King. And especially the book about that clown. I. Hate.That. Clown

Is there a story that you'd love to read, but hasn't been written (or you haven't found yet)?

Oh, there are two actually! One is a pitch I made, which I sorta like. The daily life of Karma, where Karma is a goddess and we see how she makes sure people gets payback for wrong-doings big and small. Or how she rewards someone for a kindness they did. The other I read on tumblr, about a girl who saw a boy for the first time and knew with all her heart she was born to kill him. :D

Do you have a lucky number?


If any character could come to life, which one would you pick?

One?? Only one??? DX 

Okay, Genie from Aladdin coz then I get to make three wishes and guess who two of those wishes are?! Score!! *pumps fist!*

Do you have a favorite quote from a book (or movie)?

~ "Who moved my cheese?" From the book Who Moved My Cheese.

~"Always." From Harry Potter. Coz I'm cheesy like that.

What is your favorite type of character (physical and personality traits)?

Viv, again with the choosing! *sobs*

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