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Interview: DeliriousMoon

Author of "More Poison in Your Coffee" 

Author of "Look but Don't Choke" 


What can we call you (name)?

You can call me Moonie. You can call me Delirious. You can even call me Jess. If I preferred one, it would be Jess. The only important thing is that I know it’s me you’re talking to.


Where are you from?

Florida born and raised.


What is your favorite hobby?

You mean besides writing? Because writing would be my number one, but I also love to draw.


Coffee or tea?

I’m a Southerner. I freakin’ love iced tea.


What book(s) are you reading now?

‘The Sun Also Rises’ by Ernest Hemmingway. I love classics and occasionally pick one at random from the library. With this one I wanted to see if Hemmingway was less boring than I remember. He’s not.


Who are your favorite Wattpad authors?

I don’t really read consistently enough on wattpad to have a favorite author.


When and why did you start writing?

My earliest remembered story was this dirty comic I wrote in second grade. True story. I’d finished an assignment and with nothing to do wrote a comic about the sexual escapades of a newly married couple…I was a very dirty minded eight year old. And I can’t say much for the writing but the pictures were comedy gold! There is zero rhyme or reason to erotic fiction written by a second grader. But anyway, over the years my writing would come about mostly as class assignments in English class or as a side project for when I was really bored. So about a year and a half ago, when I got the idea to do it seriously and publish online, I just fell into the groove naturally. I don’t know why I didn't think of this years ago!


Is there a specific genre that you like to read/write?

I never sit down and think, ‘today I want to write a romance’. Instead I think today I want to write about passion, sorrow, or joy, or I’ll especially want to experiment with conventions and see what I can change or how I can do it differently. There are a lot of what ifs happening in my process. Because of that a lot of my work (that’s not yet on wattpad) falls into different genres. But I like that. I never know when something will be romance, tragedy, comedy, or satire.


What or who inspires you in your work?

It mostly comes from me deconstructing things in my head all the time and asking why people love certain things. Then an idea will just form out of that ‘what if’. Though, the series I’m working on now was inspired by works in the quirky amateur female detective niche.


Can you tell us a bit about your current story and why people would want to read it?

It’s a story about an incompetent amateur detective named Evie Harper who when she’s not failing at life solves murder mysteries. I think it’s the characters that make the book. I’m more character driven in my writing so I always try to make them well rounded and interesting. I also try to be realistic. I’m not an idealist, so tragedy and heartbreak will happen. I’m not the kind of author who hands out happy endings. I also like to be racially inclusive. That’s something that I’ve always wanted to see: diversity. So when I write I try to have a cast that’s not only interesting, but diverse.


Is there a message for your readers in your work?

Somehow I always end up with a message, even when I don’t mean to. It’s just a thing that happens naturally when you have characters that grow and learn and change. Other times when it’s intentional I like to be on the subtler side of the scale. I can’t stand stories where the author tries to hit you in the face with a moral like it’s a brick or something. I like to weave the lesson in so it’s just there.


Do you have any advice for other writers?

Don’t be afraid to explore and take risks. Get out of the writing comfort zone. Try a new genre, a new format, or a new style.


Is there anything else you would like add?

Just that I love everyone who clicks on my story to give my little book a chance. You’ll never know the extent of my gratitude that I could find a place to finally get all this chaos in my mind set free.

A/N: I have reviewed "More Poison In Your Coffee" by DeliriousMoon. I also have to add that this author is in my top three on Wattpad, so check out her work!

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