thirteen// 102

256 13 3

"i've been pouring my heart out towards your optimistic grin"

for the first time for what seemed like forever, calum wanted to go to therapy. he wanted to start getting over this depression that seemed to reside within him. he wanted to be happier for michael.
so when calum's mom dropped him off in front of the building he's normally consider as treacherous, he began the trek to the doors, fully intending to at least try to go through with one session today. but he stopped when he saw a familiar figure in the corner of his eye.
michael stood outside of the building as well, hair now completely blonde. he gave calum a small smile and waved him over. calum turned cand walked towards michael to see what he wanted, butterflies beginning to flutter around in his stomach.

"wanna go to the park?" michael asked, making calum's heart beat faster. he barely thought about it before abandoning all thoughts about his therapy session and agreed to go with michael. calum didn't see the smirk plastered on michael's face at the thought of calum choosing him, but calum did see the smile that took over shortly afterwards.
the two strolled to the park, hands brushing against each other as a blush coated calum's cheeks and the tips of his ears. their hands finally linked together and michael gave calum's hand a comforting squeeze. calum let out a small giggle and lightly squeezed back, and michael smiled.

they played on the swingset like two idiots, michael pushing calum, calum letting out strings of giggles. they climbed on top of the jungle gym and a ted like little kids, and thankfully there were no actual little kids there is the drizzley weather.
however, a familiar curly haired boy sat on one of the park benches, and eventually michael's eyes drifted over to him. calum noticed the new hesitation in michael's movements. before he saw ashton, michael gripped his arm and pulled him away. calum was shocked at the sudden change in behavior, but shrugged it off and let michael drag him off the jungle gym.
"what's going on?" he decided to ask, but regretted when he heard the annoyance in in michael's voice.
"times up, your mom mom will be at your therapy building to pick you up soon," he said. they walked back together, the tight grip on calum's arm became a loose grip on his hand. once they reached their destination, michael dropped his hand and stomped back towards the direction of the park, leaving calum curious as to why he was behaving this way.
however, every moment calum spent with the blond haired boy, the more he felt himself falling for him.

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