3. It's My Duty

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Everyone looks up to see what has captured my attention so. The second they realise what it is, a look of terror sweeps over everyone's faces.

The cabin we're in is placed in the peripheral area of the secure quarters. So, not so secure.

The first of the meteor debris rains down upon the barrier, which is thinner here than in the other cabins. A single crack spreads across the barrier.

It's going to break down any instant. Luckily, each cabin has its own individual barrier so one break won't affect the rest.

Still, we've got to get out of this. Alive. But everyone seems frozen to their spots.

I yell, "Oxygen tanks on everybody, NOW!! Go as fast as you can to the main assemblance point!!"

Everyone looks at me with disbelief writ large on their faces. I repeat, "Everyone, GO!!"

This jolts everyone back to their senses as they quickly don their oxy tanks, strap them to their back and run. I'm about to do the same when I hear a frustrated partially muted scream.

I turn around to see that it's one from the team that failed to complete the second series. She seems so fragile. She's already wearing her mask, but she struggles to lift her tank.

I quickly strap my tank to my back and run over to her to help lift the tank.

More debris hits the barrier and it shatters completely. I instinctively duck down at the sound, her copying me.

I finally manage to lift the tank and drag her towards the cabin door when I realise the cabin door has been sealed shut from the other side. This is standard protocol whenever anything like this happens.

I look around to see that everyone but she and I have made it out. I look at her who seems to be short of breath.

I lift her tank to make it easier for her, but it still doesn't relieve her. She needs to be taken to the emergency cabin soon. We're not going to be let in from here anytime soon.

The only shot we have is to skirt the outer cabin line from here and go all the way around to the main entrance.

I point in the direction we have to go and start walking pulling her along with me. Soon, though, it's clear she can't go anymore. Plus the debris is flying everywhere, making it difficult for even me to proceed.

I stop and strap my tank to my front. That way it doesn't get hit by any incoming debris. Then I strap her tank to my front as well.

I lift her and loop the safety belt attached to my tank around her.

I stick to the side of the cabin line as I trudge ahead.

True it's hard to walk outside because we're so attuned to the artificial gravity we have inside. Also, I'm carrying a lot of weight now. But somehow, I keep moving forward at a reasonably brisk pace.

After a while, I trip over some debris and fall. I turn sideways so I don't crush her.

I feel like I might not be able to go any forward now, but I look up and see we're nearly there.

I drag myself up and lean against the cabin wall so as to regain my balance and push myself forward until I reach the entrance.

This is so much tougher than it sounds due to the hordes of debris raining down continually.

I punch in the code and a small click is heard, informing me that the entrance is open. We have to slide open the entrance ourselves.

I catch the side of the door and am about to slide it open when I drop to the ground. To be more accurate, when I am pushed to the ground by debris.

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