Characters and Cast

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Here's the list of all the main characters and cast:

1) Fila Arduch [pronounced fi-lah aar-dyook] (played by Vanessa Marano) - One of the two main protagonists, Fila is sixteen years old at the start of the story, and twenty three in the last chapter. She has a huge database of information right in her head, and never hesitates to use it. A selfless person at heart (except when it comes to her twin brother), Fila used to frequently help service all the various minor damages occurring in others' cabins as well. Helping others is foremost in her heart, and she is very observational. Fila can easily figure out what the motive behind a certain thing is, and she can understand people's emotions. When faced with confrontation, she faces paranoia and anxiety, yet tries her best to solve the issue at hand. A dreamer in true form, she's realistic when need comes, and optimistic that way too. She's highly credited for her work. [Nine chapters from her point-of-view.]


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2) Zing Arduch [pronounced zing aar-dyook] (played by Max Schneider) - Also a lead protagonist, Zing is Fila's twin, and is just as old as her. They both have black hair and chocolate brown eyes, but that's where the similarities end. Zing is a few centimetres taller than Fila, but isn't as physically strong as her. Zing isn't selfless to anyone (except with Fila, sometimes) but tries to be. He loves adventures and the idea of exploring is his paradise. He's a hardcore realist, and tries to slash away dreamers' and optimists' ideas. Zing can be extremely nice, or extremely rude, depending upon his mood. He always has an eye out for and on Fila, and has saved her life on numerous occasions by reminding her to don her oxygen tank ever since they were kids. He's also extremely protective of Fila.


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