Chapter 3

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I completely left this story for a while, didn't I?

Uh... Sorry?


Seto's POV

It was night time when I appeared in the Overworld. I seemed to have landed in a small forest, snow lightly falling and turning that dark ground and trees a pretty white.

I sighed and began to walk through the woods somewhat calmly, only my mind was all jumbled up...

I knew what I had to do... Only... It wasn't as simple as it seemed... I only wish my friends were here to help me through this... Though that would defeat the purpose of this mission...


"You will in time, but I must know, will you help?"

I hesitated for a moment, I didn't know what this could mean for me... But if it meant I could see my friends, my family again, it'd be worth it.

"Of course," I said with a nod.

Notch sighed "Good." He said. He then turned, calmly raised his hand and murmured under his breath.

As he did so, a small, different coloured stick rose from each of my friends' cloaks or hands and quickly floated over to us until they all landed neatly in his open hand.

My friend' sacred blades...

"These cannot afford to fall into the wrong hands." Notch said, "And with my brother gone they won't be required for a long time."

I gave a small nod, trying to ignore the bloodstains on the blades "So what are you suggesting we do?"

Notch looked at me "You remember the vault you and the others built. Remember, it was made to store them just in case anything should have happened."

"So... We just leave them there for the next thousand years?" I asked with a frown "Yes, that'll keep them safe but that won't do anything about their wielders. And how do my friends and I link into this?"

"Seto, I chose you and your friends because of how powerful and united you all were as a team. Even dead, that bond you all have between each other can't be broken and neither can the bond between your blades unless you willingly give it up."

"Ok...? But how does that help?"

"You and your friends are still tied to the blades. The vault can only be opened by all eight wielders and your keys."

I paused, processing the information "But they're... Dead..."

"I know..." Notch sighed "And I meant what I said, Seto. The laws of death can't be broken... But... They can be... bent."

"Bent? What do you mean by bent?"

Notch didn't reply. Instead, his sighed and murmured under his breath again, his hand sweeping out over the battlefield.

I looked up to survey what he was doing and felt my breath catch in my throat. A small ball of light seemed to come out of my friends' corpses. Each a different colour. Yellow, green, red, brown, orange, light blue and dark blue.

The orbs of light floated in place above the bodies for a moment before vanishing.

"Notch?" I asked slowly "What did you do?"

"Those orbs of light were part of your friends' spirits, their auras. They have gone to find a new place to hide, a host if you will..."

I turned to look at the god and frowned "Hosts?! What are you talking about?!"

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