Behind Closed Doors (Chapter 4)

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After today's little unexpected pizza party is over, all of the kids and parents left. Renee and Venus have not finish their little meeting yet.

I am about to close for the night, until I hear Renee's voice. "Take this thing away," she says. "45 people have already been taken away because of it, including the original owner of this place," she says.

I walk up to the door and put my ear close enough. "Look, it's not really my fault," Venus says. "Yes it is! You have came here and slither you little self all over this place. To kidnap people," Renee says.

"Okay. Then how come you don't tell the police?," Venus asks. "Because, who would believe what happened," Renee says. What does she mean?

"Your right. People getting kidnapped by a game, that's abnormal," Venus says. Getting kidnapped by video games? What are they talking about?

"It's not even abnormal, it's out of this world. This conversation is over," Renee says. "Now take the game back, and never return again," she says.

"Fine. But I can only come back tomorrow unfortunately," Venus says. "Whatever as long as it's gone by tomorrow morning," Renee says.

I walk away from the door and I look at the curtain. I'm certain that whatever Renee wants to get rid of is right behind the curtain.

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