It's Too Late (Chapter 8)

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All of a sudden the screen goes black, I feel two hands grab me as I try to free myself.

I the two hands turned four hands as I turn quickly and realize these two look exactly like the men I saw on the screen.

I struggle harder and began punching and thrashing around but it is useless. I lose my energy more and more.

"It's useless," one of the men says.
"Give it up, the other says. "Let go of me!," I yell. "Stop! What are you doing? Let go! Now!," I yell louder. 

After that, one of the men finally gave a punch to my face. I got knock down to my knees, and I punch the man and start kicking.

But it was useless, I felt trickling of warm blood from my mouth. I look up my vision was blurred but I saw Venus standing over head.

She looks at me with cold and calculating eyes,"Alright let's go," she says to the men.

Finally after struggling as hard as I can everything starts to get black in my vision. I start to see shinning dots and more shinning dots became lights.

Then everything I saw is gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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