It's Calling to me (Chapter 7)

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I sat in a chair close to the curtain, it's only 7:30. There is only three kids aging from 11,12,and 13 still here playing games.

Renee is on the phone with someone. "You said it would be gone four days ago, guess what it's still here," she says to the other person irritated.

I quickly knew that she is talking to Venus, but I didn't say anything instead I tried listening in on their conversation.

But I am having trouble doing so, it feels like someone is calling my name. "Nate, Nate, Nate," I hear a voice whisper. I look around to see everyone else occupied on something else.

It couldn't be any of them. "Nate, Nate, Nate," I hear the voice whisper my name again.

The voice sounded close to me, so I turn to the only place I didn't look at. The curtain.

I got up and I put my ear to the curtain, sure enough I heard the voice from behind the curtain. "Nate, Nate, Nate," the voice called my name again.

I look over my shoulder at Renee who isn't paying no attention to me. She is still talking to Venus.

"Nate, Nate, Nate," the voice called my name a little louder. In one motion I pull the curtain opened to see nothing.

No person is behind the curtain. Instead sitting there, mocking me, is the game. It's screen is black, the plug is out.

I pull the curtain close, then I feel two hands on my shoulders. I jump and turn to see a 12 year old boy standing behind me.

The boy game me a confused look and then he look over me to see the curtain. I quickly covered him away from it.

"What you want kid?," I ask. The boy is still trying to sneak a peek. "I just wanted change for a dollar," he says jumping up and down to try and see the curtain.

I simply stood still, with me being tall and all. "Alright sure," I say. I take out my change and give him four quarters, I take the dollar from him.

The boy slowly turns around, but he still wanted to see the curtain.
It's finally closing time. Renee grabs her purse and keys and leaves early. She tells me to close up shop, because she has to take care of her father.

Who is still recovering from his heart attack. Renee says goodbye and goodnight as always and speeds off to the hospital.

I quickly lock up the door and I go straight to the curtain. I pull it back and see the game already on.

I smile and quickly start playing, I am finally on level 50.
As I near the end of the game something happens.

As I am reaching the end of the game,
I soon saw that the game's screen was showing the Game House from the inside.

I stop playing and I soon become a little scared. "What the hell?," I say.
Then I hear the door open, but I locked it.

I turn back to the game screen.

The game than shows two male figures walking closer to the back of the store were they entered in.

I continue hearing the footsteps all the while watching as the game's screen shows the two figures walking towards a black curtain in the screen.

The footsteps sound close to the curtain behind me.

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