<< Diabolik Lovers >> x reader

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The walls around you seem to close in. Trapping you inside this mansion, it was basically hell. Desperately running to the exit, you stumbled over your own foot but managed to crawl up. Voices echoed throughout the mansion. 

"(y/n) why are you running?"

"(y/n)~ I'm going to find you~" 

"I want something sweet..."

You gulped the lump in your throat, you were scared but not enough to stop you from escaping. The endless hallways seemed to continue on forever. A figure gradually appeared on the side of the hallway. A little boy holding a teddy bear.Kanato.

"Ne (y/n) I want candy...maybe chocolate...or maybe..." He smirked. 

You blocked your ears immediately, no, you cannot fear. You ran faster, hoping to escape the mansion. A hand unexpectedly gripped on your wrist, holding you back, and it slowly slid down to your neck, caressing it. 

"(y/n)~ " A voice purred into your ears. 


You hurriedly slipped out of his grasp and continued running. Another dark figure emerged in the darkness. 

"(y/n) it's rude to leave without telling first," 


You closed your eyes and endured your running even though your legs were fatigue. After a while, you see the door in the distance, relieved, you ran faster for the exit. To your surprise, an arm suddenly wrapped around your waist and you leaned on a body.

"Woah...not so fast," A voice whispered into your ear. 

Shocked, you looked up to the male. Blue eyes and orange hair. Shu.

You struggled to break out of the grasp, but he wrapped his arm around your waist tighter making you gasp.

"Let go!" You yelled desperately

He gradually lowered his head to your neck, his soft hair brushed against your skin. You let out a whimper, and you feel his smirk as he make his way down your neck. 

Trying one last time, you struggled to escape and you ended up freeing yourself from the grasp. Coughing incessantly, you stopped in front of the mansion door to catch a breath. Instantaneously, a hand hit the door, making you turn around to face him. 


"Where do you think you're going?" He smirked devilishly. 

Taking slow steps forward you took clumsy steps back. Your legs trembled uncontrollably but you had to escape this place. You took my chance and tried running away but still ended up being pinned to the door. By him. He pinned your wrists tight to the door and his grip was tightening by the second. 

"Now let's see how you struggle now." Another smirk appeared. 

"Let me go!" You yelled until your throat ached. 

Ayato leaned in to your neck, his wet muscle brushing against your skin making you tremble. You made your last attempt to struggle. But he pushed his leg between your thighs making you gasp. You had to give in, but you didn't want to. Not to him. Gathering your last strength, you slipped out of his grasp. 

"Tsk...I shouldn't have let you go," Ayato suddenly said. 

Instantly, you feel a sharp pain on your palm as Kanato bit into your flesh.You bit your lower lip as you tried to endure.  An arm wrapped you from behind and a body was against your back, white hair brushed against your eyes. Subaru. A whimper escaped your lips as you feel his fangs dig into your neck. 

"N-no s-stop," You managed to utter out. 

You couldn't escape now. The pain was preventing you from escaping and Subaru's grasp was too strong. 

"Shut up for a second,"  Ayato said and he leaned in, crashing his lips against yours. 

You widened your eyes as he suddenly bit your lower lip and gradually he broke the kiss. Unexpectedly, Ayato leaned in again, but to lick the blood off your lips while he smirked playfully.


Thank you for reading once again. And this story is actually ALSO dedicated to hipsterlovpink for voting on all my stories. Thank you for dedicating one of your chapters to me too ^^  

(Oneshots) Anime characters x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن