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Jim slept at the living room leaving Mayim alone in the bedroom as the evening came. They didn't eat their dinner together trying to avoid each other.

With the resonating silence in the bedroom, Mayim had some time to reflect on herself. She couldn't deny the sincerity of Jim's love for Kaley but she knew it was placed out in a wrong way. She felt like his right love was being a waste because of his ways of expressing it hence, she hated how Kaley seems to ignore it. It was a right love, that's one thing for sure, but because he expressed it through material things, he failed to get the one that he loves.

She felt bad for talking like his love wasn't real and right, she wanted to apologize but then, she also wanted to wake him up to the fact that he shouldn't express his love in such material manner and that she thinks Kaley doesn't deserve him.

Alone in the living room, Jim evaluated everything that Mayim told him. He started to realize where he went wrong, he didn't make Kaley feel loved in other ways. He only gave her material things and expected her to love him back. He felt like it was what Ben gave to her, the sincere smiles that he sees whenever she is with Ben, the comfort that he makes her feel when he'a around her, it was all she probably needed that he failed to give.

He was wrong that money and things can make her love him the way he loves her. As he went through Mayim's words of wisdom, he started to recall the pain and offense that Kaley gave to her causing him to feel bad again and be blinded by humiliation.

The next day came and they still refused to talk to each other even at the workplace, little did the know that Beverly has been noticing the coldness between them making her wary and keen.

There were times that Jim tried to talk to Mayim that day hoping it would be the way to patch things up after their yellings the other night but she still seemed to be mad about it. With the days passing by, he started to realize how she was right with everything. He felt more enlightened with the stupidity of going after someone who can't love him back and forcing her to love him just because it's what he wants.

He apologized to Mayim and tried to avoid Kaley as much as possible even if it was so hard for him to do it, hence, there are times that avoiding her was inevitable and he had to struggle.

"Kaley." He called her as they were left alone in the conference room after the board meeting. He didn't know why he called and what to say, his mind felt messed up as she looked at him.

"I was... Just wondering if you want to have some coffee some time?" He uttered for the sake of having something to say. She sighed weakly displeased by his offer. "Jim... What are we trying to build up here?" She asked. "Boundary, Jim. Let's keep things this way. Not friends, just colleagues because that is how we should be." She continued hinting him a rejection.

"Kaley, I just wanna bring back the old us." He confessed.

"Old us? Which one? Where you're choking me with your jealousy and forcing me to love you back?" She questioned. "Jim, there was never an us. So don't tell me you want to being back the old us." She added and tried to walk away but he held her hand causing her direction to resist.

"Please, Kaley. Just give me one more chance." He begged, she hated how desperate he seemed to be the past weeks after she had a cool off with Ben.

"Jim, do you hear yourself?" She asked. "Do you hear how desperate you sound-"

"I don't care. I don't care if I look desperate or stupid but Kaley... I love you." He stated. She sighed in disbelief.

"Jim, are you sure you're in love with me or are you just trying to get me back because you desperately want to have someone to make you feel loved?" She got him thinking.

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