Chapter 27:These legs are made for walking.

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(A/N: I went to visit some family in Pennsylvania and their wifi was shit, so literally this chapters been sitting here for days)

Lexa rubbed her face tiredly, she still hadn't gone home to sleep, despite all of Raven, Octavia and Clarke's efforts. She was going to stay with her best friend, till she got to go home.

"Hey can you pass the chicken" Clarke asked the sleepy girl. She nodded and reached over Ravens leg, passing the chicken that was place there to Clarke. "You know, as much as I appreciate being used as a human table.. Why don't we just put all this stuff over there" Raven pointed her fork over to the table beside her.

"Because then you wouldn't be part of the conversation, this is us including you sweetie" Lexa said, snark behind her sickly sweet voice. Raven scoffed, enjoying her best friend like this and not the worry wart that wouldn't leave her side those past couple of days.

"Well, lady X.. You guys are losers anyways, wouldn't wanna be included in that" she saluted her best friend. Who gently nudged her shoulder.

"What is up with that anyways.. Lincoln called you that earlier" Clarke rose a brow at Lexa.

"It's nothing I-"

"Lexa wanted to be a superhero when she was a kid, and her whole family called her lex so she really took that into consideration when choosing her name, when she's really drunk she talks in 3rd person and calls herself that" Raven explained with a sly smile on her face.

"You know-I forget who's best friend you are sometimes" Lexa said as she crossed her arms over her chest and got up from her spot next to Raven.

"AW don't  be mad, Clarke's family now, you guys got married while I was out right?" Raven teased, and Clarke almost spit her chicken out as she laughed.

Lexa looked adorable with her rosy cheeks, standing in front of the door, arms crossed, a messy bun in place above her head. But she looked tired.

"All jokes aside, why don't you get some rest babe?" Raven continued, she didn't like her friend in this state and she knew she'd been here for days, she also knew how stubborn the girl could be.

"I'll tell you what I told everyone else.. Not leaving without you" Lexa told her sternly, her eyes telling Raven to drop it. For years, when Lexa was the one on the hospital bed, Raven didn't leave her side. No matter what, even when nurses kicked her out after visiting hours were over, she would somehow find her way back, till the nurses finally let her be. She was always there for Lexa, helping her eat when she was emotionless and detached from the world, bathing her, brushing the knots out of her hair. Every time  Lexa cut too deep, Raven was there. And now Lexa wasn't going to leave.

"Lexa, please.. It's Monday. You have to go to set, so do you guys" she pointed her attention towards the girls.

"Go with them, please.. Take care of yourself, I'll be fine" Raven finished. But Lexa wouldn't have it.

"She's right you guys, you're needed in set today for the sex scene.. Please tell them I'm not going" Lexa told them. Octavia and Clarke knew this was there cue to leave, an argument was brewing.

Both girls have Raven a kiss on the forehead and made their way towards the door.

"We'll be back tomorrow" Octavia said to Raven with wary eyes. The connection between the too had gotten stronger, and Octavia didn't want to leave.. But she also signed a contract.

Raven waved the girls goodbye and as soon as the doors closed, she was determined to get her best friend to leave her, even if it was for an hour. She needed to take care of herself. She'd had the same clothes on the whole weekend.

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