chapter eleven

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Ten fourty-six, Friday, November twenty-fourth, twenty-sixteen.

"(Y/N) hey!" He called from his seat, I looked at him, smiling away. I turned to look at the girl he was with and she too was smiling away.

"Hey Max! Back so soon?"

"Yeah well, guess I couldn't stay away from the food for as long as Id originally anticipated, he half-grumbled, half joked.

"Well, here you are," I said placing the plate down in front of him, he began rubbing his hands together.

"I'm Emily," the girl smiled, "I work with Max,"

"Hey, Emily. The hostess here is actually named Emily so that's a fun little coincidence! We all just call her 'Em' though," I felt Callie tap me lightly on the shoulder, I turned and she smiled, signaling she was off to do her closing jobs, I nodded, allowing her to.

"That is definitely a fun coincidence, if I told her we had the same name do you think she'd give me a better spot?" She joked,

"I'm not so sure, though if you ask to be seated in my section I could give you a discount," I stated,

I saw Max's head shoot up, "You can do that? Why don't you do that for me?"

"I do, you just never noticed," I laughed,


"How do you DO that?" She asked me,

"The discount?"

"No, make Max less irritated," She said, joking. Max raised the middle finger to her while all I did was shrug and stifle a little laugh.

"I dunno, Anyways, nice to meet you Emily."

"You too!"

I scurried off to start my closing jobs but ended up in the kitchen, having a full fledge argument with Ty and Callie about blue jeans, and when I returned to the dining room fifteen minutes later, (Yea it was a long argument xD), Emily was gone, leaving Max seated alone. Her part of the bill was paid, and she had left me a ten dollar tip. I walked over to collect it.

"This is too much," I said through disbelief, "Is she always this nice?"

"No actually, she's awful. Her and my friend, Red, they're having an all out Matt Damen war right now."

"Do I want to know how that even happens?"

"Probably not," I giggled a little bit and sat down across from him, it was now almost eleven o' clock and I should have been closing, but oh well.

"Where did she go anyway"

"Her boyfriend Peter picked her up, Ross and Tim got caught up with some work so her and I came out to eat, they two should be here soonish to get me."

+ Time skip to 11:30 cause Bong Bong, Shikulur, Yalar, opar dirt, Ooshcalar.+

We had just spent the last 30 minutes joking and laughing and talking across the table, it was 30 minutes passed close, Ross and Tim had yet to show up, Callie and Ty were long gone, they had left hand in hand, so I guess that was a thing. As they walked out, I remember Max uttering 'Tyllie is canon', and I snorted.

"Do you mind if I-uh.." he paused, "If I vlog this?"

"If you-?"

"Vlog, It's like a video blog- for Adam's channel?" I didn't say anything, obviously stricken confused by the terminology, "They asked for a 'day in the life of Max video'"


"The viewers,"

"Oh, I mean yeah sure.. I guess."

"Do you want to be in it?"

"In what?"

"The vlog?"

"Oh, I dunno,"

"Why not?" He asked,

"I'm very camera shy,"

"Oh please, you'll be fine."

"Well- Okay."

He pulled out his phone and turned on record. "Hey guys, Here's how the end of my day usually goes, I come to Ihop where I eat breakfast and then I go home with Ross and Tim, Today's a special day though," He said to his phone, running his hand through his hair.

"Because instead of Ross and Tim with me we have my friend (Y/N), say hey!"

"Hey!" I muttered giving a little wave.

"So yeah, I come here pretty often where she is my waitress, she's very nice, I rate ihop 10/10 by the way for the customer service," I smiled and laughed at that. "She's great, I subbed." I didn't exactly know what that meant but it didn't matter because that's all he said regarding that. "So what can we do?"

"I could give you a tour of the back?" I offered,

"Okay, We're going on a mighty adventure across the vast lands of the back of ihop, will we survive? We won't know." He commentated as I walked him to the waitress prep station, I then walked him into the kitchen, then the back room.

"Tell me about your youtube," I said at one point while the camera was paused,

"Well I don't make any videos for my channel, but I guess people love my persona because I keep getting requested to do videos with Adam and Ross."

"Why do they love your persona? From what I've seen you're just an asshole," I teased,

"Hey!" He fake yelled, He then turned the camera back on.

"I'm turning the camera back on because she's being mean to me!" He cried, jokingly.

"OH please, don't be so Mad Max." We were standing in a long hallway between the kitchen and the staff washrooms, a couple storage closets lined the walls, it was dingy and darkish.

"w-what did you just say?" He stuttered fake-angrily.

"You heard me" I joked, bouncing around on the balls of my feet.

"Not cool," He huffed, the camera was pointing at his face, but he was looking over it at me warningly.

"Really? Cause I thought it was pretty- rad, Max."


"Don't be Bad Max," I interrupted. His back stiffened, and I could tell he was just joking for the 'subscribers', he slowly started to walk towards me.

"Relax," I said, giggling away, taking a few steps back, but for every step back he was taking one forward.

"I can hit you," He was still joking, I was still laughing. I stopped laughing however when I hit against the back corner where the hall turned to the left and lead into the washrooms.

"Max, I can't move Back." I continued to joke. He continued to walk forward until he was an inch away from my face. he lowered the camera and slipped it into his pocket, though I was only looking at him, at his eyes, at his lips, all of which were so close to mine, all of which were stirring butterflies up in my stomach.

And if Eli is home, that's not where I wanted to be right at that moment.

Author's note:

Four hundred Reads guys? Oh my WORD! Thanks so so so much, that's how many my other short story "drive - a mithzan short story" Got in about a month! And I'm getting it from ya'll in about four days? You guys are wicked awesome, as for the story today. OOOOOOH! Are they going to kiss? Or are you going to turn him down again? I might update this later tonight but I'm not sure, hang onto your seats though kids because the next chapter is going to be a ride!

As always guys, Goodbye lovelies :D

e d i t Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora