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Thursday October Twenty-third, Twenty-nineteen

"Hi there, My name's (y/n) and I'll be your server today," I started, flipping my notebook to a fresh page and smiling at the customer's seated in front of me. I took down their orders, and walked over to the computer where I immediately punched them in. I felt a light hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see the smiling face of Callie.

"Hey girl!" I said,

"Hey! There's a new table in your section." She said cheerily, before springing into the kitchen and out of my view. I looked down at my new uniform, a petite blue dress with a black apron, and smoothed down the wrinkles with the flat of my hand, smiling.

I scurried onwards towards my table, seated in my section, in my restaurant.

As I was bounding towards the booth by the window I saw a familiar head of ginger hair and I greeted him appropriately once I reached his table.

"Hello Max, darling, my lawfully almost-wedded Fiance, sweety how are you doing today?"

"I may have asked you to marry me but you do not have permission to call me that." He replied, grouchily, yet jokingly.

"What do you want, fuckface."

"That's better, " He replied, smiling a little bit." He pulled out the menu, and pointed to it. "I'll have this."

I already knew what he had chosen but I leaned over to see if I had been correct, and I was, as his finger hovered on our signature plate, "the Max & cheese"

"Alrighty." I scurried off to get it for him.

In the kitchen were all my servers, huddled in a circle cupping drinks in their hands and laughing about something, I joined in.

"Here's the boss!" Called Bry as I entered, and the whole circle erupted with applause.

"I would like to make a toast," called shay from the middle, "To (y/n)." Everyone raised their glasses, leaving me to stand idly by, blushing my face red.

"(y/n) here hated Ihop." Called Callie, from the other side of the group, she was twirling a piece of her long curly hair in between her fingers. "And I once told her that if she left, she 'won't be letting us down, but making us proud." She paused, everyone nodding, "Well, look at how proud we are, (y/nickname)"

"We're a family," I replied, matter of factly just as how Cal did, if my memory served correctly, three years ago.

Everyone smiled and began clapping again before Bry called out "Oh my fucking god guys THE TABLES!"

Everyone was scrambling around and grabbing food and drink and smiling and I couldn't have asked for a better group of people. Bry and Callie and Shay, and Ty and Chad in the kitchen, and Walter on cleaning staff, they were all here, only now, as a server, we had our dearest Em, and some new recruits too, Todd and Samantha.

I hated ihop, I despised every day at that godforsaken job, I hated working under someone and having to come in for shifts and maybe that's why youtube didn't work out for me. I still had a channel, I still recorded with the guys occasionally and made challenge videos and vlogs with my Fiance Max. It only took him to realize that the only way i'd be happy is if I was doing things for myself.

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