chapter thirty-two

251 15 4

sky media
six twenty-seven, Wednesday January sixth, twenty-seventeen

I strolled through the offices, stopping only once to glare at the tarp covering the reception. A few construction guys were babbling back and forth between each other from behind it. Today was a day I had been anxiously awaiting yet also dreading for as long as a week now.

The day Adam uploaded his vlog.

I myself had a few vlogs up now with mainly positive feedback and comments about (your ship name),

but Adam's, well,

well that was something else,

today was the day that (shipname) Is either announced canon or not. Max and I still hadn't officially come out as a couple yet however when Red found us sleeping on my kitchen floor, wrapped up in each others arms, it raised some suspicion.

It was almost time for me to clock out but all I could do was stand infront of the tarp swaying in the slight breeze and pull my cardigan closer around me. Few people had already gone home, many others were still recording and editing and completing the many closing jobs one could have. Max was recording a GTA video for Barney but since my paychecks at ihop never landed me a car he had been my ride and so I was waiting for him to finish up.

and that's when it happened,


I practically tore my phone out of my pocket and blinked, trying to get the notification in focus of my blurring view.

"Sky - Adam: ITS A THING???????" followed by a YouTube link. I rushed to my office and clicked the door shut before rapidly booting up my PC and pulling up youtube. Sure enough there was the video, sitting happily and unwatched in my subscriptions box, it already had 12,000 views. I sighed mentally and clicked it on, placing my headphones over my ears and prepping myself. The sound of him running through the halls and bugging people blared through my headphones and into my ears.

Seven minutes in, there it was.

"Let's go bug Max again," he said from behind the camera and he began to jog down the hall in the direction of his office. The camera's view showed Adam's hand as it wrapped around the door Handel, the hand pulled away as Adam stifled a little laugh and a "what the fuck"

The lens went to the window to show what I was hoping wouldn't be there, Max's arms wrapped around my waist, our lips pressed together.

Max pulled away, looked into the camera and Adam ran off.

I was feeling something akin to anger, though it wasn't exactly that. It was anxiety linked to the fact that no-one actually knew about us and it was rage connected to the fact that Tim didn't tell us before leaving it in the video and it was freight at the fact that I can't control everything, though it wasn't exactly any of that either.

I realized not long after I was staring at the YouTube loading sign for a few minutes, spaced out and stressing,  I was having another anxiety attack. My eyes slowly moved down to my sleeve, I pulled it up, exposing the flesh on my wrist, and I pinched it, tearing myself away from the pit of despair that is what I was feeling.

I looked back over at the video, shuddering at the butterflies that rose up in my chest concerning the kiss and I stood up. Blindly I walked out of my office and ran right into someone's chest, his arms wrapped around me and I looked up to see Max, smiling yet scowling all at the same time.

"You saw it?" I asked,

"Damn fucking right," he muttered, "I'm going to set Tim straight," he said, biting his lip and pouting his mad Max pout. I pulled him a little closer and looked up.

"No, it's okay," I said, "people already know. Let's get out of here?"

"Yes please." He replied.

We sat in the car silently, his hand resting on my leg just above my kneecap. swoon, honestly. He dropped me off and walked me to the door, where he kissed me gently on the lips before he left. He was kind of quiet all day, but I thought nothing of it.

I went back and watched Adam's vlog again, feeling somewhat disconcerted and somewhat confused and somewhat worried, and as the smartest person I knew, I began scrolling through the comments. One in particular jumped out at me,

"Look at the way Max is looking at (y/n) at 7:02,"

The replies were insane, most of them were people cooing over it, I decided It was worth a shot.

I scrolled back up to the video and clicked to 7:02, and I saw it. I was in his arms and he was looking down at me with such vulnerability and such adoration and something akin to love if I've ever seen it and-

and I was terrified,

because the Max I knew wasn't the loving type and he wasn't the type to ever be vulnerable, he was the type to tackle you to the ground and swear at you and flip you off, and so I was scared because I didn't know who he was anymore, because he wasn't the guy who had kissed me roughly in the back of ihop.

And I guess if you speak of the devil he will appear because just as I was beginning to wonder about him my ringtone started to blare and it was Max,

actually calling me

something he never does,

"Hey," I answered,

"Hey," He replied.

"Can I-"

"So I-" We both said at the same time, both lines went dead,

"Sorry, you first." I spoke through the silence, I thought I heard him nodding his head though I know that's impossible.

"I just-I want to talk to you, can I come over?"

Author's note

Guys we're almost at 3k and that's wicked awesome! Sorry about last weekend, work was insane and I had this essay due and I just couldn't get the editing done in time but here it is on time today! Thanks so much for your insane support! Next chap will be tomorrow at 6:00 EST as usual,

Don't forget to vote and follow and leave a comment! What do you think he wants to talk about? Do you think it's good or bad? I have big big plans for this story, sorry if it's been going astray a little bit the last few chapters but it's hella important I promise, all in due time will things be explained xD

Leave a comment because those make my day and I love to get to know my readers and audience! The comment's section is down therererereeeeeeeeeee \/

As always, goodbye lovelies!

e d i t Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora