R e a d

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Hey guys, So forget Listen to me, we have discontinued that story, HOWEVER WE HAVE COME UP WITH A NEW ONE THAT YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT! We're very proud to announce the full debut of "Tell me what it isn't" happens tomorrow, where we will release the prequel. Today we released the title page and dedication, so go vote and comment on those telling us how excited you are and add it to your library! Don't forget to follow to keep up with the updates!

As for 'listen to me', it's going to be deleted in a few days, it just wasn't working for us and we weren't fully invested, you can go read the first ten chapters if you'd like,  though I wouldn't advise you to since it's going to be taken down and it isn't writing we are proud of. The goal for "Tell me what it isn't - a mithzan x reader" IS 5K! MAKE IT HAPPEN! TELL UR FRIENDS! SHARE IT! ADD IT TO UR READING LISTS! iTS A STORY WE ARE STOKED ABOUT SO GET HYPE AND GO ADD IT TO UR LIBRARY'S RIGHT NOW! IT'S GOING TO BE BETTER THAN EDIT! GO DO IT!

as always guys, stay lovely

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