Chapter sixteen

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Thursday December nineteenth, four eighteen pm.


"No, she's not working." Said Ty as I popped my head in through the kitchen door, I had just arrived and it was time for my shift.

That night I spent with Max was nothing like I thought it would be, it was spent on the couch, without max, and the next morning I was woken up to Ross and Tim fist fighting in the kitchen, but they were my friends now, they were.

"No? Why not?"

"I dunno," he shrugged, "Bry will be here soon though."

"Speaking of Bry,.." I leaned on the door frame, "you guys are through?"

"How would you know that?"

"I saw you and Callie walk out like old lovers the other day,"

"Yeah well," he blushed, "our situations aren't so different,"

"How would you know that?" I asked, quoting him.

"Well I follow Max on Twitter, he hardcore subliminally tweets everything sooou..,"

"He- he does?" I was now the one blushing, a quick nod from Ty confirmed what he had just said and I fell back out of the kitchen, wondering to myself about his Twitter account.

I hadn't seen him since I stayed at his house, it had been nearly a week, but that's okay.

Because I hadn't seen Eli either.

It was crazy to think that I once considered him my everything and my home and I used to think if I left him I'd be so upset and I was, don't get me wrong, Eli was my high school sweetheart, we were madly in love.

But more than anything I felt free, relieved, happy.

Only not happy enough to smile a real smile because as soon as I put my stuff away in my locker in the staff room, I was back to my same smile painted on my wooden puppet face, dancing around ihop, doing as I'm told, taking people's orders.

Shay finished up her shift and wished me farewell and soon enough in walked Bry, who gave Ty a kiss as she entered, gave me a hug and told me her grandmother passed away, I told her Eli and I had split up, she asked why, I told her.

Bry was like a little sister to me, and her grandmother passing was like mine, and Eli and my splitting was like her losing a brother, and so genuinely we sympathized with one another easily and soon I was gushing about max, and I continued to gush about max as long as my shift went and even in my head as I was closing was I gushing about him. I pulled out my phone and found him easily on Twitter, and read through his tweets starting two weeks ago.

"She's gr8."
Two weeks ago

"Damnit, am I just random to you guys?"
Six days ago

"Just a rando? Ugh."
Six days ago

"Guys I think I screwed up, I am a rando."
Six days ago

"Never mind, not a random. Not a random."
Six days ago

"Fucking hate it when you fall in love with a girl who has a boyfriend and they don't break up with him for you, eventful day."
Six days ago

"Days bouta get more eventful, winter weather here I come, apologies are in bound."
Six days ago

"It's cold."
Six days ago

"Some people treat their girls like trash, I don't understand why you wouldn't treat her like a queen."
Six days ago

"She deserves to be treated like a queen."
Five days ago

"Fuckin' ihop is so eventful these days"
Five days ago

"She's gr8"

I was laughing out loud a bit and some of those, he was such a dork and it was rather cute, I then remembered the video we took, the video that he promised he would edit the kiss out of, and looked it up on YouTube. It consisted of him running around an office building, chasing some people, talking to some Turkish guy, punching Ross, punching Tim, acting as mad max for a solid 4 minutes, and finally-

The parts I remembered filming in the back, the tour of the kitchen and right about when we were about to kiss there was a cut, that lead back to us in the dining room, laughing about me hitting my head on the wall.

I smiled at the memory.

I then looked around the restaurant, at the ceiling I had spaced out under many times, of the floor I had walked every inch on, of the tables I had served and seated and wiped and cleaned, at the walls I had stared at while rolling cutlery at the big front windows I sprayed down every night-

And I wanted out-

-and I wanted out.

Because where I work doesn't define me and I don't need to be there if I don't want to. I finished my closing jobs and since I didn't have his number, I tweeted max.

"@mithzanMax wanna go for a walk?" I waited and shortly after I got a reply

"@(y/t/u) tell me when and where,"

"@mithzanMax right now, ihop,"

"@(y/t/u) I'll be there." I smiled and put down my phone, when I returned to it I saw I had over forty retweets and lots of replies, I began reading them.

"It's the ihop girl from the vlog!" Said one

"Is this Max's girlfriend?" Said another,

I didn't know how to feel, but I felt myself smiling lightly to myself, and happily I waited for max to show up.

Author's note:
WE ARE LITERALLY SO CLOSE TO 1K YALL DONT UNDERSTAND HOW HAPPY I AM! I have big big plans for this story so stay tuned! Sorry I'm updating at 2:30 am but- I don't even have an explanation,

Ok as always guys, stay lovely!

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