chapter fifteen

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eleven twenty-four, Friday December eighth twenty-sixteen.


"That's who you're dating?"

I shook my head no,

"What do you mean 'no,'"

"not dating him, not anymore."

"He's a douche,"

"He's really not, Okay? He was just hurting."

"What the fuck, (y/n) He's insane, he was laughing when you broke up with him,"

"And I was laughing when I nearly cracked my head open after hitting it off the wall, it's just his way of coping."

"How can you possibly be defending him?"

"People get angry when they're upset," I shrugged, "I thought you knew about that."

He pressed his lips into a line,

"What's that supposed to mean, (y/n)" He asked, warningly.

"I didn't mean it to be rude Max, but hardly six hours ago, you yelled at me in front of Adam, Ross, Tim and stormed out,"

"That's different, I came back."

"He's going to come back."

"Wha-" His brow furrowed and he looked a little worried.

"Doesn't mean I'll forgive him, but I don't want you to hate him, he's an okay guy."

"I don't understand this-" He paused, "But if you're asking me then okay."

"Thank you- how did you get here?" I asked, suddenly remembering him shivering at the front door twenty minutes ago,

"Oh, I walked,"

"In this weather?"

"You're worth it," He shrugged his shoulders, and I smiled up at him,

"Well it seems we're both walking now." I said, I suddenly felt heat creeping up into my face as I realized that I had just broken up with Eli, and it was only Max and I.

Only the two of us, with no one to keep us apart,

And I became aware that I was blushing wildly and suddenly the butterflies leapt up from the lining of my stomach they'd just been sitting on and my nerves were back but either Max didn't notice or he pretended not to, and for that I was grateful.

"Do you have a place to stay?"

"I-I guess not," I stuttered, looking down at my feet.

"Then it seems we're both walking to my place, then."

"I- thank you." I said, pulling him into a hug. He just laughed a little bit and hugged me back.

Author's note

Hey Ya'll, so this chapter was short and I think I mentioned before that every once in a while I'll make a short dialogue chapter just to contribute to the storyline, it actually has nothing to do with the fact that I'm wildly busy and It's more so that in the next chapters, things can happen based off of the conversation we read here today.

Anytime I write one of these chapters though, I always double update, so because my schedule is totally unpredictable today, It may or may not be tomorrow, however sometime this weekend you'll be getting TWO chapters in ONE day!

And they'll be quite lengthy too! A solid 1,000 words maybe! (Not including my author's note)

I'm so glad everyone is reading and commenting and voting and showing their support, I signed p for watt pad in early march of this year (I think) and the only goal I've had since then was to get 1k reads on any book of any kind that I have written and we are SO close to achieving that! I'm loving all your comments and am so so so happy to share my story with all of Ya'll, At the time of writing that we are creeping up on 800 reads and I am so stoked, thanks everyone, don't forget to vote/comment/follow and in the comments how about you tell me how your day has been going!

Or maybe just tell me what you think is going to happen,

sorry for the long-ass authors note today I'm just so excited to share this (almost) Milestone with ya'll, as always guys,

goodbye lovelies! Enjoy your weekend and double update coming to ya soon!

e d i t Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora