chapter thirty-one

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your apartment
10:34pm Thursday December thirty-first, twenty-sixteen

I couldn't

(I can't)

I couldn't do it because we had just started dating and I couldn't do it because I was still in shock and I couldn't do it because I was in Eli's old apartment and I couldn't do it and so I didn't.

"Yea?" He asked, looking concernedly at me.

"Oh, Uh.. I just wanted to say thank you-"

Max and I were sitting on opposite ends of the couch while red sat on a chair across from us. Everyone at the offices knew Max and I liked each other, everyone, but it wasn't yet told that he and I were dating dating, and we weren't sure if Tim edited out our kiss in Adam's vlog but it wouldn't be uploaded for another week so there was no way to tell anyway.

"Jesus fucking hell." Max huffed under his breath, "that was something." He said,

"How in the fuck are we going to pay for that?" Red asked, Max and I both shrugged.

"What a way to end the year." said Max. Red and I nodded in agreement.

"Well now what?" Red asked, we were all wondering the unsaid words of what to do now that there wasn't a party and we were all semi-dressed up.

"Well, we could have our own little party," I suggested, Max and Red exchanged a glance and I remembered that there was only three of us. "I could invite some of my friends," I said.

They nodded as if to say 'yeah okay,' and I got up, stepping outside, I pulled out my phone. First I called Callie, she said she was on her way, I called Ty and Bry and they both decided to come, Shay was busy but Chad was on his way and I called Em.

She was only fifteen, I know it wasn't exactly an acceptable scene for her to be at but I missed her dearly and she wasn't in school and she didn't have anything better to do, besides she was very grown up for someone her age.

I entered back into the living room and smiled. "Party's on its way" The guys laughed and we exchanged smiles and talked about who was invited, about twenty minutes later I heard a knock on the door, I hopped up and ran to it, pulling it open to reveal Callie and Ty AND Bry, they all came in and said hi and Em and Chad showed up ten minutes after that. Max was right about a lot of things, but leaving ihop was the best one. He was right that leaving the building and leaving the people wasn't the same thing because we all talked as if nothing had changed and it was just blissful.

At 11;58 We all poured glasses of wine- even em, (I know. whatever) and at 11;59 we chugged them and everyone was laughing and joking and drinking and smiling and as there was only ten seconds left on the timer I had set on my phone I turned on my vlogging camera and turned around.

There was Max, putting his hands on me and pulling me to him maybe a little rougher than it could have been but in no way was that a bad thing, we were both a little drunk. We shared a passionate kiss like one we hadn't had before just as the timer ran out and everyone screamed "Happy new years" at the top of their lungs and just like that it was a new beginning for me and for Max.

That year started with Max and I pressed up against the wall, smiling to ourselves and sharing sweet and short pecks between the passionately long kisses and when it was a good five minutes into 2017 we separated ourselves and just rested our foreheads together. He murmured something in his drunken haze that I couldn't quite catch because of the roar of drunks and Em and Chad around us laughing and having a party. His eyes widened for a second and a sheer look of panic spread across his face as he started to pull away from me.

"What?" I asked giggling a little bit at his disconcertedness. His face softened as he realized I hadn't heard him and he started to laugh, and pulled me into another kiss.

+Time skip cause parties aren't my thing,+

We were sitting on the floor in my kitchen. My hair was a mess and my clothes were wrinkled and had some spilled bubbly all over it but who cared. Max was sitting cross-legged in front of me, still looking as handsome as ever in his dress-shirt and beanie.

"Okay, okay your turn" I said, giggling.

"Hmmmm" he mumbled, "What is your favorite food?" He asked, smirking a little bit.

"Are you kidding me? That's the lamest question we've asked all night." I replied, laughing. "But it's (Fav fooooooooood)"

"I'm going to take you somewhere on a date so you can order that, and I'm going to get-"

"Mac n' cheese?" I interrupted.

"No," He said, I raised my eyebrows, challenging him to continue. He pretended to grab something off an invisible table in front of him, then pulled his hands apart as if reading a book. He pretended to scan whatever it was with his eyes for a second before he leaned closer to me and pointed at the air with one hand. "I'm going to have this," He said.

I laughed so hard that I snorted, and then I felt myself get red. he was looking at me with such adoration that I had to look away or I'd probably explode of cuteness. Quick time check said it was 4;07 in the morning. We were in the kitchen because everyone else was asleep in the living room, seemingly coupled up. Bry and Ty were cuddled up on the floor, Callie was lying on Ty's other side  which led me to believe that they were still at a crossroad, however Red was next to Callie, and her arm was resting on his chest. Em fell asleep with her head on Chad's chest, I never pictured that but Chad was seventeen, so I guess it was a thing, I dunno.

And then there was Max and I, awake at 4;07 am, asking each other questions and eating out of a ben and jerry's ice cream tub that was situated on the floor in front of us, laughing because we were still half-drunk and maybe just because we were in love. And suddenly we were kissing again and laughing and then he was rolling me onto my back and we were trying to laugh quietly not to wake people up and then he was lying next to me, looking at me, gazing into my eyes with such an intensity.

"I've never felt this way," He whispered, smiling.

"I know," I replied, "Me too."

I laid my head on his chest and threw one of my legs over his midsection and used him as a pillow, he had a couch pillow from the living room rested under his head and an arm wrapped around my shoulder and even with Eli I had never felt this way.

Not drunk, not in love, not drunk in love.

But I felt that for Max, and so that's how I ended a year and started one, Emily getting a pole pierced through her leg and falling asleep curled up on Max in my kitchen at 4;07 am.

And I guess if mine and Max's relationship was a story, and if it all started when I saw him at ihop that one night, this would of been the middle of that story.

Author's note

2.58 K you guys??? OMG! Thank yall so much and sorry for the lack of update yesterday, I was busy and sorry for the serious lack of updates on 'survive', editing two stories at once is hard. Survive will be out tomorrow I PROMISE!

Don't forget to vote and follow and definitely leave a comment! How did you like this chapter? I was hella dying this whole time bc idk it was just so cute so thanx Jessica for that xD

What do you think is going to happen in the next chap? Got any suggestions? Tell me down below and I'll get them to suggestion box ASAP.

Jk we don't have a suggestion box.

We do however have a comment section,

Okay so since this was a day late I made it extra long, lmao hope you liked.

Stay lovely guys!

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