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Salvador had already made himself at home by the time Alec arrived in the solarium. He was resting on one of the deck chairs, bathing in the natural light.

"I need this room in my life!" he said. "The dreariness of the weather is getting to us. How do you manage?"

"Well, we're due for a getaway sometime soon." he replied. "But mostly, a lot of reading and hitting the slopes when it starts to get unbearably dull."

"When is the last time you spoke to Cordelia?" Salvador asked, suddenly transitioning the conversation.

It was an invasive and odd question.

"It's been weeks since we parted ways." he replied. "Why?"

"I've run into her at several functions recently." he said. "She's been telling anyone with a loose ear that you've brought an outsider into your family home to live in sin."

Ironic, since he wasn't getting any.

"Says she's worried you're becoming unhinged again."

It felt like decades since he'd done drugs, but Salvador's revelation tempered his anger. It connected something for him, a muddled memory. He remembered the day he lost Mila's signal at the market, when he thought she'd entered a dead spot. Now, he was thinking something more insidious. He felt the piece of paper in his pocket, and again, thought for a moment.

Were Mila and Cordelia working together?

"Speaking of--" Salvador said. "Where is your girlfriend? I was hoping to see her again. She was lovely at the opera."

"We've just had a disagreement." he said, hoping to squash any desire for a visit. But Salvador's body-language reflected disappointment.

He must not have come just for him.

"I'll ask her down." he said, doing his best not to sound strained. The last thing he wanted was bring her in front of company while they were in the middle of a row, but Salvador was doing him a huge favor with the exhibit, such a small request was the least he could do.

Apprehensively, he texted Olga to clean Mila up and bring her downstairs.

"I knew there was probably some jealousy going on." Salvador continued. "You know, in your love triangle, but I just wanted to check in and see for myself that you're ok."

More like checking in for mother, he thought.

"Clearly, you're fine, but you might want to have a conversation with your ex before it becomes a problem. No matter how badly you've screwed up in the past – and you've screwed up royally – I can see you've changed."

"Thank you for telling me." he said earnestly. "I'll handle it."

He meant it. He would handle Cordelia.

"Personally, I'm happy for you." Salvador said. "I know Cordelia is the 'type' of girl everyone wants you to choose, but in the long-run, you'll be much happier deciding for yourself."

They bantered a bit longer, discussing Paulo, and his strong dislike for Seattle. Salvador hinting that the temporary move may have strained their relationship more than he thought.

"Well, you only have to make it to the opening." Alec reminded him. "Then, you're free!"

Mila tapped the door to announce her presence.

Olga managed to make her look presentable, but the natural light of the room was unforgiving, and he could see a streak in her makeup from tears.

He stood, but Salvador didn't greet her with expected familiarity.

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