username ideaz

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ok so i've had this username for a long period of time now and ive kinda stuck with it but i do have some ones in mind that ive saved into various accounts


@tylerrjcseph?? eh it's ok
@twentycnepilcts?? eh too long
@doddleoddles?? ok-ish

but like, do i wanna change it??????? no??? yes??? I DONT KNOW I CANT MAKE UP MY MIND

i also wanted to think of a troye one but i had no other account to save it to oops

here are some of my username ideas that u can feel free to take if u wanna

@destroye punny but it might be taken

if ur a memer @whitesiVANS even though the meme died like a month and a half ago

anyway my brain juice is out, peace

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