15 facts about me tAg AY

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thanks demolicious 4 TAGGING ME

so it's already pretty obvious that i'll be tagging only a few people cause they never get highlighted

anyway rules are: list 15 facts abt yourself and tag 15 ppl

here are some stuff abt me K!!

number 1. if i don't like the food (ulam if you're filipino) i always eat rice with vinegar and soy sauce lmao it's DELICIOUS

number 2. im not good @ any sports and im not saying that to be #relatable it's seriously a problem

number 3. my favorite twenty one pilots acoustic version is we don't believe what's on tv and i've finally mastered how to play it on the ukulele a few weeks ago yay!! here's the vid:

number 4. im a gemini (june 13)!!!! and even though ppl say "the shift of the earth has changed and all the zodiac signs are different now!1!" IDC IM A GEMINI

number 5. i like drawing on my phone!! i mean like it's not really drawing but i think it's a creative way of passing time without wifi (the electricity went out on tuesday i think and i ended up making akaashi for 2 whole hours!!)

 i like drawing on my phone!! i mean like it's not really drawing but i think it's a creative way of passing time without wifi (the electricity went out on tuesday i think and i ended up making akaashi for 2 whole hours!!)

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fun fun fun

the lines are pretty ragged but i did my best anyway

number 6. my clothing is 60% long-sleeved and inappropriate for the weather, 25% pocket t-shirts from the men's section, 15% pants that are the same color

number 7. i feel bad for expired food so i eat them as long as they look edible

number 8. i watched my first anime of 2016 thanks to kickthepj and dan howell (in pj's japan haul video he mentions erased but i forgot to check it out, silly me) (then dan made his anime video and i remembered to)

number 9. if i were to NOT go anywhere in this world (like, i would decline if offered), it would be china

my reasons are: i already eat chinese food everyday, i suffer from chinese class in school, some people there are extremely rude (it would be scary to see a madman on the street), not my ideal place to explore imo

number 10. never seen my parents fight tbh

number 11. my favorite subject is english cause what even is reviewing & ESSAYS YAY

number 12. scary movie ratings: (i love scary movies btw)

insidious 1 & 2 & 3: terrifying 10/10 i love it

the conjuring: i thought it was a flop it wasn't even scary enough to scar me 5/10

annabelle: did u even try 3/10

the poltergeist (the newer one): epitome of flops 2/10

shane dawson conspiracy theories: 11/10 i say no more

number 13. i had a phase where it was all: pewdiepie, smosh, and nigahiga (i regret that era)

number 14. i made this account to vote for my friend's story and i kinda left it at that

number 15. i listen to music when i sleep to distract me from scarring thoughts of the paranormal coming to get me and they say i might get stragled by the earphones but that's not possible with me cause i trust them


hmm that was already 15 i kinda wanted to do more but maybe next time!!

i tag:
the rest of trashies (nasty ass wattpad wont let me tag sorry)

thats all i can tag guys they only let me put the people ive recently followed

BUT if you want to do this pls say i tagged you cause i wanna read fun facts!!!

anyway niGht!


(im such a weeb pls stop me before i evolve into my next form: the bodypillow waifu stage)

serious question for research before i go: if you were to get a bodypillow of someone, who would it be? leave ur answers in the comments!!

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