chpt. 3

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Hikaru then pressed the cup to his lips, just smelling the repulsive drink made him want to hurl...

Hikaru: here go's nothing...

The second he swallowed just a few sips of the concoction it immediately came back up his throat in a completely disgusting manner.

Tamaki: EW!! okay stop! You're grossing me out already. Just take your turn now...

Hikaru on the outside= okay whatever
Hikaru on the inside= Lord thank you so much!! I would've died, thank God!!!!

Hikaru: um ok, kyoya truth or dare?

Kyoya: truth *he said in a very calm and cool manner*

Hikaru: show us what's in that black book your always writing in, but never let anyone else know

Kyoya's cheeks had a faint blush on it, which rarely EVER happens to kyoya..

Kyoya: dare

Hikaru: you already picked truth

Kyoya: dare!

Hikaru: it's too late now

Kyoya: I said dare!!

Hikaru: you can't freaking pick dare you already picked truth. Now answer the damn question

Kyoya: DARE!!

Kouru: what's such a big secret that you can't show us hmm? *Suspiciously*

Hikaru: don't tell me that you're...

Hikaru+Kouru: CHICKENING OUT?!?

Kyoya: what, no I-

While kyoya was distracted kouru grabbed the note book and began to read it with Hikaru.
Kyoya immediately snatched the book out of his hands and gave them the worst death glare there ever is.

Hikaru: omg!! You're in love with haruhi

Kyoya: NO!

Kouru: then why does it say in you're journal, and I quote "haruhi looked so beautiful today, she always does. I love her so much but of course she doesn't know that. I just wish that I could actually build up the courage to-"

Kyoya: SHUT IT!! *He was now blushing furiously because haruhi was sitting just a couple of feet away from him, and she heard ALL of that*

Haruhi: um kyoya senpai... I didn't know that um...

Kyoya blushed even harder than quickly got up and left the room.

Truth Or Dare: an Ouran Highschool Host Club FanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt